Income among hobbiest

No matter how much you make spend it! We are in the $150-200 category and have a 55 gallon tank. We also have two boys in college and next year it will be three that we pay cash for their education. The 55 belonged to our youngest son who spent all his time in his room. He had fresh water which is what he could afford. When his last fish passed we suggested moving the aquarium to the family room and setting it up SW. We have about 2 hrs a day of quality family time now and it is the best money we have ever spent. So far we have $1000 into the tank and don't have any real fish yet. Will be getting a Purple Tang in two weeks when we return from Dallas on business.
Where you spend your money is all relative...but you will spend it all no matter.
One thing is for sure, if you have a SWF hobby you cannot afford drugs or other things that will hurt you.
Medical Fact: staring into an aquarium will lower your blood pressure. I am I justify my hobby!
deuce, you lucky dog!! :D got the huge tank on a freebie! talk about getting hooked up!! :) i can truly identify with Striker. after my last purchase, my wife was all about "...where's the $$ for me..?" geez, after the last couple of years paying for all of the kids hobbies and teeth, sports, b/day parties, i kinda figured that it would be my turn. i guess i was wrong. :cool: but at least i have two boys who are sad when something gets eaten or dies. easier to justify livestock purchase that way ;)
just got my taxes done last night!! getting large bank back!! <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> having made in the mid 90's, i think we spent it all. between dr.visits, dentists, meds, feeding 5 kids, and their associated needs for last minute things, i was able to divert about $700 bucks in the last 5 mos. for the tank. :rolleyes:


You guys are right about no matter how much you have you spend it, but the problem is where you spend it!!! In my case i already said i have 40k in student loans to pay back, have no health insurance, my glasses broke 3 weeks ago and i need a new pair, and the tires for my truck need to be replaced soon <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> I graduated last spring but i'm back in school part time and only bring in $21,000 a year if i'm lucky. The problem is that i should take care of those other needs first but last weekend i spent $50 on a cleanup crew and another fish to battle my hair algae problem(don't go into the hair algae problem here i've already beat it to the ground in other discussions) I also have another 55 and 75 that i have been piecing together for the past 6 months untill i decided to say STOP!! you have other things to take care of. But then again i'm alive, happy and having fun! :p !!