Inconsistant salt brands


Why does it seem that salt is so inconsistant. I had for years been using instant ocean salt but I got sick of always messing with the calcium and alk. I then decided to get Tropic Marin Pro. It tested perfect for calcium but the alk dkh was like 5. Since I only buy by the bucket i spent months adding alk mix to my tank almost evry day.
Then I figured i switch to reef crystals and give them a wirl. Their alk is great, about 8-9 dkh but their calcium is horrid, about 250.
Does anyone use a salt that has ideal ranges of these two items. I know you guys say Tropic Marin Pro is the best and I may of gotten a bad batch. I think that if you pay a premium than should they have quality. do u guys experience these inconsistancies too?
By the way these test were done before adding the water to the tank and i keep my salinity at 1.024


Active Member
I heard the Tropic marine Pro is not good unless you are using calcium reactors and such. Because it wont over do it and let the reactors do the rest. The regular Tropic marine might be better as I heard it has everything you need for those who dont have reactors and such.


I don't think you got a bad batch! I too switched to TM Pro and get the same results. I will be switching to cheaper salt when this bucket is done. I figure if I have to dose, I might as well save on the salt.


Active Member
Try red sea salt. Fairly new, i've gone through 3 buckets on my 65, Ca is always about 460 and alk is always 8-9


I use reef crystals and have been fairly happy with my levels. Calcium is not real high. Runs right around 430-440. Alk runs 8-9 dkh. Have just been buying the 50gal bags to try it out. Have been through three or four bags all with levels consistently in that range. When I need salt again I will probably buy the bucket.


Well i wonder if i got a bad batch of reef crystals because my ca is really low (about280) and it has been a pain to fix it. I will be buy some calcium chloride to help so i can finish off the rest of the bucket. I tell u how pissed you get when u test that first batch of salt and it sucks and u have 120 more gallons to mix.
What are everyones levels with the regular Tropic Marin?