Indian Trigger w/ Volitan Lion


Active Member
Wise idea or not? Saw a gourgous Indian (5-6") today at LFS. I already have a 8-10" Volitan in my 240, but wanted to know before I made a HUGE mistake.
From my quick research they seem to be a safer trigger. Anyone have any guidance?


IMO they would be fine together. The way i understand it any lion on lion is cool as long as they have enough room. I have seen pic's with five different lions in a 300 and they had been together for a long time.


Ahhhhhh the Melichthys Species (Indian, Durgon, Pinktail)
when you combine the Melichthys Species with lions, there is always a risk.
My personal experience has been great with this combination. I have had my Pinktail for a few years now and I keep it with my lions, but I offer this trigger space, I allow room for him to establish it's own territory, it is an adult and can have mood swings but usually just at night.
However, I have read some pretty bad experiences with the combination (Melichthys & Lion) over the years, so it will depend on the fish, I have also seen these bad experience more with the Pinktail than the Indian or Durgon.
Personally, I would say go for it, your tank is 240g, and just watch it, keep an eye on your lion fins, if you see spines being nipped, remove it. Ask your LFS if you can return the trigger for a full credit, if things do not work out.
My favorite Trigger, My Pinktail

Moody, Moody!!!

A little risky, Yes, but Huge mistake, No.......


Active Member
So who is a safer bet an Indian or a Niger?
This whole Trigger/Lion issue scares me to death actually. Because my Lion is my baby and I know I couldn't get a trigger in a net easily in a 8' long tank. So it would be one of those well he's in there now pray type of situations.
My wife has already threatened me if anything happens to our lion since we raised him up from a couple of inches to show size now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rslinger
IMO they would be fine together. The way i understand it any lion on lion is cool as long as they have enough room. I have seen pic's with five different lions in a 300 and they had been together for a long time.
Not really sure what your talking about Lion/Lion, I'm actually talking about Lion/Trigger.


So who is a safer bet an Indian or a Niger?
Indian Trigger ........ Nigers can be OK with lions, but as they mature they seem to get a little whacked out when it comes to lions.


Active Member
If I decide to de neither can multiple triggers be kept in one smaller tank when young. 75g. My research tells me they grow REAL slow.
I just fell in love with that lil guy...simply gourgous.


I have a blue throat with my Pinktail, my blue throat is not even half the size of my Pinktail, this is in my 300g, so they have room for territories, actually they are the only two in the tank that establish territories. If you are planning on placing them in your 75g, make sure they have enough space to establish there own territories and keep an eye on them, you do not one becoming the bully. My Pinktail is a very slow grower......


yeah brain spasm. for some reason i thought you were asking lion/lion. Opps. Sorry i should read slower.


I had a pinktail with my lion and they were always fine as long as the trigger was well fed
If the trigger got reall hungry hed start picking


Active Member
I don't have a lionfish but I do have an Indian triggerfish (Melichthys indicus) which was sold to me from this site as a Hawaiian triggerfish (Melichthys niger). The Hawaiian gets a bit bigger then the Indian and has a bit more bluish color the changes hues whereas the Indian has more yellows to brown with the black that changes hues. Both are very simialar in disposition. I keep mine with a Kole Tank, Gold Stripe Maroon, Coral Beauty, and Diamond Goby. they all get along okay. The trigger is moody as suggested below and doesn't really harass the others. The kole tang has has a few bits from his fins when he has harrassed the trigger but hasn't in a long time.
I think keeping an Indian with a lionfish is fine. I would worry more that the lion might feel intimidated at first arrival seeing as how the Indian has been in that tank for so long. Just watch them very closely for the first few weeks. Your tank is large enough for the 2 of them and shouldn't be a problem. I have a 90 gallon and so I wouldn't think of keeping those 2 type of fish in it.



Active Member
Gourgous fish! I went by there again and he was still there. I picked up my last "Main" fish today instead who is currently in my 75g QT tank. 8-9" Male Blond Naso Tang.....if he is still there after a month, we will see......
Thanks all.


Active Member
Well time to revisit this. Just run into someone who has a 5-6" for $40. So I think I'm grabbing him for now and putting him in the 75g with a Damsel. If he is a model citizen I may add him to my 240g. Jury is still out.
But I hope to pick him up this weekend.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 95Harley
What do you think is he an Indian or Hawaiian?
Harley - he looks like an Indian Durgeon. The only reason I say that is due to the fact that he has yellow in him. The True Hawaiian Black is jet black with incondecent blues in him.
Does he have any blue in him?


Active Member
Have not seen him in person yet, picking him up from a fellow feeper Sat.
I'm going to keep him in the 75g for now, this whole trigger/Lion mix still makes me nervous.


Active Member
Actually - I can tell right off that it is a durgeon just by the tail. Look at the fan-like shape of the one in your photo and the one in HatesSushi's. Then see the shape of the one in my picture it is crescent shape with tiny streamers...