individual vs species personality


Ever get a fish that was the total opposite of the described personality? Everyone told me to stay away from a marine betta as they are very shy and dont do well in c=ommunity tanks. I love them, and bought one anyway. He is so beautiful. Always out on display in the front of the tank, and is the first one to gobble up the food. I wonder how common it is to buy a fish that doesn't fit the accepted species description. Any other cases??


Active Member
I bought 3 blue/green chromis because I thought they would school but 2 killed the other one and they don't stay together. If they weren't so fast I would try to get them out but I currently like the way my LR is setup so they can stay.


Active Member
Maybe you have just the right tankmates that don't make him feel threatened.I don't think you can place any guarantee on any one fish's personality, they do vary. We had a starry blenny at work that would literally hop into your hand to eat. I got one and when he sees me coming towards the tank he bolts. If I put my hand in the tank too near to where he hangs out he bites the fleshy part of my hand..I call him "lil nipper"


i have had seahorses in my big tank for over a year without problems. when i tell people that they get very surprised. then i tell them what fish i have them in with (queen angel, purple tang, 2 bangaii, 2 maroon clowns, and 3 scooters) and they get even more surprised.