
I have just received fully cured live rock from my lfs last night. I dont have a lighting unit yet, but all i have right now are 3 hermits. I'm going to get a compact led, 54 watt, when i buy my fish. Its hard to see anything in the tank so i used a flashlight inspect my crabs and rock etc. I found a bristle worm! It's pretty small right now(1-1 1/2) but it can still cause a threat. Can it harm corals? How can I get rid of it?


Bristle worms are benficial scavengers. They aren't a problem until they get super super huge. As always though, dont touch them! Its a good idea to get aquarium gloves anyway.


Active Member
Yep, what she said ^^
You will see threads and hear people say "bristlewroms killed my fish/clam/crab....." No they did not, they are only doing what they do and that is eat waste in your tank. The fish/clam/crab already died and the bristleworms are just doing their thing. You usually don't see them much during the day.


I've got a couple of these in my 29gal and haven't had any problems with coral. The largest one I have is about 3. I gave up trying to catch it. Most the time you don't see them, and I'm not going to rip my tank apart trying to find it.


Active Member
Dude, you have been told 3 times by 3 different people that they are fine for your tank. However if you want to take it out, take it out. It is your tank.