Info about Koran Angels?


Well I got my new Koran Angel and he is one of the most beautiful fish I have ever seen I love him. The only problem is now that I have him I have not seen any of my Nassarious Snails. Well one of them came out of the sand today and was scaveging for food when the Angel seen him he came down and sucked him right outta his shell and ate him!!!
Do these guys eat all inverts? The site says they are reef safe at juvenile stage where he is. Does anyone know if I should watch anything else about this guy?


Oh ya also what can I get as a Detrius eater in place of all my 10 Nassarious snails that are all now dead that he won't eat?


jwtrojan44: What do you feed yours?
Yes it was very odd. You know how they Nass has the tube like arm that comes out of them to hunt for food, well he goes straight for that and just grabs ahold and rips em out.


There is a specific frozen Angel formula to get that has sponge in it since Angels typically have large amounts of sponge in their diets. Use that along with what was mentioned above and you should do fine. I'm actually planning on getting a juv. Blue Koran in a few weeks.


Badkharma: I think you will really like this fish. I hope you don't have Nassarius though haha. All mine are gone. Now he is going after the Astrea snails. He is very fun to watch though. I am going to pickup that Angel food today hopefully he will enjoy that.


It doesn't matter about the snails, my mob of hermits did the job first. I swear they worked in groups. I've witnessed them pull snails off the acrylic onto the sandbed and go at it! I've also seen a few ambushes, where a snail will be enjoying his cruise across the sand and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, 4-5 hermits "jump" him, flip him over, and then fight trying to finish him off. I kid you not. :scared: Needless to say, my hermits are growing quick, and some are now housed in some HUGE astrea shells.


Wow, I never have heard of a Koran attacking and eating snails. Mine never did, that I know of.
You do need to feed them a heavy algae diet along with a healthy mix of other foods like jwtrojan44 mentioned.


Ok heres what I got so far.
Seaweed Select or Nori
Brine Shrimp Flakes
Regular Flake food
Reef Ready frozen food
Frozen food specially for Angels
Anything else I need?


New Member
I have a question about the Koran. My LFS says these fish get too big for a 55 is this true. My girlfriend wants one.
Tony L.


They will get to big for them yes after a while. I was told it takes like 3-4 years for them to get to the adult stage though so most would say don't put one in a 55g but mine seems to be fine and happy except for eating my snails ahha.


It does take them long to reach adult stage, and you can always sell them back to the LFS or another owner when they get too large. When they are juv., they are only 2-3 inches.


You can attain these guys from a price range of 40-150 dollars depending on where you get them and such. You can get the small ones off this site for 29.99. The above price is ussaully LFS pricing. Most Juveniles specieis you can get for the 40-50 dollar range though at LFS. I have seen a full grown adult for 150 dollars though.


Very pretty!!! I will try and snap a better photo of mine but I can't get it to stop moving hahaha.