info and anemones


New Member
I would like to have some info on anemones.Such as what is good for beginers and which are good with clownfish and gobies.I am really interested in Anemones.
AK, :happyfish


I recommend this. Start with a condi anenome. They're under 10 bucks; and while they are not good hosting anenomes for clownfish, they help show you how your water quality is. If you can make the condi happy for a month or two, then go for the Bta, long tentacle, or any other good clownfish-anenome. You can even leave the condi in your tank, while clownfish are not likely to host in it, it still adds color and movement and looks cool.
I also suggest reading up on anenome care including lighting, food, etc... i'm not an expert on it by any means, but I just ahve a 50/50 light from my local store (like $30, so not great but decent), have my anenomes about halfway up in my tank in decent water flow (not directly in line with jets but still get lots of current), and feed them either a frozen food cube or a feeder goldfish (like 10 cents) every week or so) There's lots of tips out there, but if you get a Condi and learn by trial and error you will find what works for you. Good luck!
ps clownfish and anenomes are the reason I got into the hobby as well, I have a successful pair right now and they are fantastic to watch!

reef diver

Active Member
Same, but do take the condy out, search chemical; warfare on this sit, and youll come up with a lot of stuff.


Active Member
IMO, gobies fall victim to anemones more than any other family of fish. Does not mean it will happen only a good chance of it happening....less of a chance if the anemone is a BTA because the normally are higher up in tanks and most gobies are bottom dwellers.
Dont know what you have but a better chance of success with anemones if the tank is more on the larger size than smaller sizes....


I put my condi in well after my maroon clown. For the first few days, the clown had nothing to do with the anemone. Since then the clown never strays more than 6-8 inches from it (night or day).