Info needed on torch coral


I purchased a piece of torch coral today and I have heard that it is difficult to maintain. Right now it looks great in my tank and i have a good calcium level. what do you recommend that I do to keep it healthy, and what do you know about this coral. any help would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Medium current, medium to intense lighting, and good water quality. They are rated hard to keep because they are prone to bacterial infections, and are often injured during shipping. In the future you always want to research something before you bring it home, no pun intended of course ;)


Great choice,
As you can see in my list, I have two, and I think they are a very attractive addition to any tank, I use a Calcium additive, and I filter feed these guys every other day, and I feed, by "Target" feeding each tube indiv.
I use two of the Kent Products for filter feeding, and alternate with both..Try not to place them up more than half way or you might get "Burn" on them, and the orange will come right off the tube, just leaving its skeleton..I have mine on the bottom of my 55...They have gotten to the point where they actually come out now, no matter what I put into the tank as far a food, (They are usually just nocturnal) thats really cool to see them in full bloom in the daytime..Sometimes they go a couple of days without fully blooming, other times the bloom like crazy...GL with it, they are so pretty..
Oh, I also have them in a light/med current..
~Susie ;)


New Member
I don't see any other corals in your list, but if you add some be sure to put them out of reach of the torch. Give it plenty of room. My torch is one of my favorites but I have seen what it can do to a montipora frag.