info needed on yellow watchman goby



They're really neat! Its my favorite fish in my tank. Atleast mine can be kind of shy at times. They have a perpetual frown. They like small bits of brines shrimp and pods. They like to dig caves in the sand underneath live rock. You need a sand substrate, NO crushed coral. They can bond with pistol shrimp.


I've had mine now for about a month and he gets more character every week.He moves around the whole tank now and has a house under every piece of live rock.Scoop loves the herbavore shrimp pellets that come rolling by in the current and brine.He does'nt sift through the sand much like the others I watched.It's always fun to try and find him every morning when i turn my lights on.I funny just seeing his head poking out of a hole in the rock.I have two sally light foot crabs also which I was concerned about but scoop does'nt put up with any of their crap.