Info on a fuzzy dwarf, please.


I am interested in getting a fuzzy dwarf lion and was hoping for some information, facts, tips and advise from some of you that have experience with them.
What can they be kept with...minimum tank water preferences......quirks....etc.
I would really appreciate it, Thanks.


at full-size, 6", it will need a 55gal. small fish and shrimp might get eaten. pretty big waste producers. cocktail shrimp, clams, scallops, mysis shrimp for food. quirks: venomous and can be difficult to get to eat.


I got one I guess it is going on a month now. He has awesome personality. Getting the to eat frozen is difficult. My LFS told me he was eating brine (I don't beleive he was). I can now get him to nip at silversides as long as they are in my fingers but he won't actually eat it. I have been giving him ghost shrimp, which I guess is okay as long as you gut load them first. I think so far he is my favorite fish. I just hope he gets big enough to take out the blue devil damsel that my husband got and won't let me get rid of......