Info on Half Black Angel


New Member
Only thing I've heard is that it is very close to the Eibli Angel, which I have. Beautiful little fish, very shy at first and it took a week before he'd even show his face out of the rock formation in my tank but would sneak bits of food that drifted his way. Now, a month or so later, he's much more open and a very friendly, unaggressive member of the tank. Eats flake food, frozen and fresh foods, picks nicely at the algae in the tank. Very glad I bought him.


Active Member
Great little dwarf angel have one that I bought in Oct 97 for 30 bucks and I still have it in my 135 and it does great. In my case mine has what I think is a very interesting feature in that one side of its face is black and the side is grey (that happened not to long ago) so not only is it gray and black half and half front to back it has a half black face also. It is always picking and has never shown any illness. Just a great little fish (and as most of you know I am not a fan of angels much anymore).

mr. jaws

New Member
How would you compare that fish hardinest as to a Flame Angel And Coral Beauty, I had both of those fish and they died, not sure if I want to take a chance on another Angel, was also thinking about the half black.


New Member
I think the Flame is by far and away the easiest to keep. They are not shy, happy to be all around the tank and will eat almost anything. With the Coral Beauty, they need good water conditions, plenty of shelter to hide in for the first week or two before emerging with confidence to parade up and down all day long. Just patience, quiet sheltered areas are all you need. Can't understand how you'd have lost them but I'd say the Flame is a tough fish while the Coral Beauty and Eibli are pretty sensitive. Don't know what the conditions were in the tank you tried - tell us and maybe I can advise you some more.


Active Member
Of the ones you mentioned the Half Black will be the hardiest. I have to disagree that the Flame is a good choice. I remember my favorite lfs owner once telling me that most Flames are dead within 6 months and not from disease. I thought this peculiar since she always had them for sale but she told me people want them so she brought them in. I bought a few over the years and by goodness the longest lasting one was (take a guess) yep about 6 months. I vote for Half Black.
Oh I came back to this beacuse as I re-read it I realized someone is going to come on now and tell me they have had a flame for a million years and it is the healthiest fish they ever had. Now there are exceptions to the odds and I am telling you my and my friends into fishes experience with a Flame. You as the hobbiest must make your decisions based on your desires and the facts you receive from boards and magazines.
[ August 07, 2001: Message edited by: Pufferlover ]
Hey there pufferlover, my LFSsaid the same thing about the Flames. She said it was the method in which they are captured?? Until they can find a wholsaler that catches them in a diiferent way they refuse to carry them.
Its not everyday you find a fishstore that doesnt try to make a quick buck.


Active Member
That might be the real reason. All my books say they are hardy fish but I know no one who has had them last for long (such a shame). They eat do fine then bam dead (can't resist saying this "down in flames" sorry I have a warped sense of humor).
Yes, sad to say the current method of capture includes poisoning, which even the hardiest of fish will have detremental effects from. I congradulate the LFS that refused to buy from the wholesaler who utilizes this method.
I am a lucky one indeed. I got my Flame almost 7 years ago. One, if not the, hardiest fish I've ever had. She was obviously "net caught" without poison. I doubt if I will ever replace her when the time comes however. Unless I am absolutely sure about the catching method.
BTW, I also have a half-black, in the same tank. Very hardy fish, and no problems between the two. Actually three, I also have a coral beauty with these two. Had "Beauty" now five years. No problems at all.


Active Member
Hermit brings up a excellent point I did not mention about the Blacks ability to get along. Mine is in with a Rusty Angel; Blue-Moon full size Angel; Adult Majestic Angel; The 4 have never fought nor postured with each other. The Rusty also 4 years old did die a month or so ago I believe from old age but the other 3 are doing fine. There are other fish in that tank but the Blue Moon Face is the showpiece of that tank. Hermit you were indeed lucky with your Flame and to get 7 years is amazing- that is a true success story in itself.