Info On New Fish Please!!!


I just purchased a Fridmani and I wanted to know if anyone would have info on if they will harm my 2 blood red shrimp. They are peaceful fish right????


Active Member
You really should investigate your purchases before buying.
Latin Name Pseudochromis fridmani
Common Name Fridmani Pseudochromis RED SEA
Also known as Orchid Dottyback, Fridmani Dottyback, Fridman's dottyback
Fast Facts This Red Sea species is magenta overall with a black stripe running from the lip, through the eye, and terminating at the edge of the gill cover. The rear edges of most of the scales have a darker spot, which gives the body a slightly cross-hatched appearance. This is one of the most peaceful members of the family. You can even keep several in the same tank, if it is large with plenty of hiding places. (Try to introduce all individual at the same time if possible.) Although the Fridmani is the most sociable member of the genus, it may occasionally pester smaller, particularly passive species. Provide a varied diet including meaty foods such as mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, finely chopped seafoods and frozen preparations. Very easy to maintain.This fish will prey on small mantis shrimp and bristleworms.

Minimum Aquarium Size 20
Diet and Feeding Provide a varied diet including meaty foods such as mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, finely chopped seafoods and frozen preparations.


Thank you very much....I did research but I was scared b/c the info was written: monitor with shrimp...didn't know they meant bristle and mantis.
Thank you for the extra info.