Info on Queen Angel


New Member
I would like to add a queen angel to my tank but have received mixed reviews. I have read that they are very hardy. The cost is my main concern.


Active Member
If this is a large FOWLR tank, go for it. They are hardy. They might nip at corals and such, so putting one in a reef is risky.


From what I have seen, they get ich easily at first, so make sure to quarentine, but once adapted to captivity are very hardy.


i have one right now and it is by far my fav fish. mine doesn't nip at my corals too much enough to do damage, i have a sponge in the tank for the soul purpose for him to pick at it since queens need sponge as one of their main foods for a diet. mega marine angel food will supply this and its made by hikari. he won't touch my mushrooms, and clams(not the huge clams that need sun, but the ones that come attached to live rock). he will eat polyps though and anything polyp-like. my gorgonias are fine with him as well. a lot of times i will buy something new to put into the tank like a coral for example and he will pick at it for a little while, but then will leave it alone and never bother it. you have to have veggies in their diet as well. i feed mine nori aka seaweed. their personalities aren't shy so you will not have to worry about that. they will also usually become the boss of a tank. make sure when buying a queen it is around 3-5 inches because anything older will either have a lot of bad habits that you don't want him to have or just won't do well to captivity. mine is 5-6 inches long right now and today i am putting him into my larger tank that i just bought. he's going from a 125 to a 150. if you got any other specific questions you'd like to ask let me know cause i probably know it since i have researched almost everything there is to know about specifically queens and other large angels.


Originally Posted by angelsrock
i have one right now and it is by far my fav fish. mine doesn't nip at my corals too much enough to do damage, i have a sponge in the tank for the soul purpose for him to pick at it since queens need sponge as one of their main foods for a diet. mega marine angel food will supply this and its made by hikari. he won't touch my mushrooms, and clams(not the huge clams that need sun, but the ones that come attached to live rock). he will eat polyps though and anything polyp-like. my gorgonias are fine with him as well. a lot of times i will buy something new to put into the tank like a coral for example and he will pick at it for a little while, but then will leave it alone and never bother it. you have to have veggies in their diet as well. i feed mine nori aka seaweed. their personalities aren't shy so you will not have to worry about that. they will also usually become the boss of a tank. make sure when buying a queen it is around 3-5 inches because anything older will either have a lot of bad habits that you don't want him to have or just won't do well to captivity. mine is 5-6 inches long right now and today i am putting him into my larger tank that i just bought. he's going from a 125 to a 150. if you got any other specific questions you'd like to ask let me know cause i probably know it since i have researched almost everything there is to know about specifically queens and other large angels.
I will be getting a 180 near the end of next year, in the interim my neighbor just game me a barely used 75g tank. Could i get away with keeping 5-6 inch queen in my 75 until next year? after i get the 180 i would like to attemp to add an additonal angel . is there any specific one you might recomend that would do ok with a queen .. i would like a french. you help is appreciated.


Originally Posted by peter1215
I will be getting a 180 near the end of next year, in the interim my neighbor just game me a barely used 75g tank. Could i get away with keeping 5-6 inch queen in my 75 until next year? after i get the 180 i would like to attemp to add an additonal angel . is there any specific one you might recomend that would do ok with a queen .. i would like a french. you help is appreciated.
they do grow slowly so you may be able to put them in there for a short period of time, but not with another angel. when you have the 180 a french angel should be ok, but to increase your success you should either A) add them at the same time which would be the easiest way
B) rearrange the decor inside the tank before adding the french, if the queen has already been there for a while, or C) just adding him to the tank and seeing what happens, which i don't recommend. the rule of angels is space and different genus's. the queen is a holacanthus and the french is a pomacanthus


Once i get the 180 then i would put them both in at the same time. as for the 75g, how long would you recomend for me to wait after the tank cycles before putting in a queen? I would also like to put in a sohol tang and a harlequin tusk in the tank. what order would you put these in ? thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by peter1215
I will be getting a 180 near the end of next year, in the interim my neighbor just game me a barely used 75g tank. Could i get away with keeping 5-6 inch queen in my 75 until next year? after i get the 180 i would like to attemp to add an additonal angel . is there any specific one you might recomend that would do ok with a queen .. i would like a french. you help is appreciated.
No, wait for the larger system. In a 180, I would suggest only one large angel.


Originally Posted by peter1215
Once i get the 180 then i would put them both in at the same time. as for the 75g, how long would you recomend for me to wait after the tank cycles before putting in a queen? I would also like to put in a sohol tang and a harlequin tusk in the tank. what order would you put these in ? thanks
i would put queen, harlequin tusk, then sohol because i heard sohols can be pretty bossy in a tank, but that's only what i've heard. also with the harlequin you won't be able to put inverts in the tank because they eat snails, hermits, crabs, and shrimps. for the queen in the 75 even though it's temporary wait at least 7 months, but if i were spending 80-100 on a fish i would wait a year in which case you would already have your 180.


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
No, wait for the larger system. In a 180, I would suggest only one large angel.
what is your main reason for recommending only one angel in a 180 ? what if you put two smaller one's (about 5-6) at the same time. isnt a tank 72x24 enough room? thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by peter1215
what is your main reason for recommending only one angel in a 180 ? what if you put two smaller one's (about 5-6) at the same time. isnt a tank 72x24 enough room? thanks
The original poster stated a Queen Angel with a French Angel. What I implied (I was not explicit enough) is that a 180 is too small for an adult size Queen and French. A smaller angel or smaller angels would be okay.
The two larger angels as they grow may become aggressive towards each other....or may not. Odds are they will which is why I stated one angel. A direct response to the original post. Plese note I do say one LARGE angel.
Regarding smaller angels this too is a bad idea given the numbers suggested 5 -6. Although smaller, they can act aggessive towards each other as they mature even in a 180.
I would say 2-3 may be okay of the smaller species...but double this could be trouble.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peter1215
I meant two 5 to 6 inch angles in a 180g tank. sorry for the misunderstanding.
THe larger angels will all grow in excess of 12" as adults. They may get along in a larger system for a brief period at the 5-6" size but as they grow they could and most likely will be agressive towards each other.
This does not mean it will happen...just odds of it happening are quite high.