info on sump/refugium


Active Member
I am not new to keeping reefs - I've been running a 75g reef for almost 2 years now. However, I have an opportunity to pick up a 150 tank and stand for $100. I'm probably going to do it, but I'm trying to get some things figured out so I know what will be involved to get it going. I've got the lighting figured out (three 250w MH), but the filtration is still a concern for me. I know I'm going to go the DSB/LR route for good biological filtration, but that's about all I've got figured out so far.
Like I said, I've got a 75g reef running now, but it's running with CC/UGF/Powerheads as the only filtration. I know I want something better for my 150. I don't have any experience with sumps/refugiums and the like. Where can I go to learn about how they work, what they do, why they're beneficial, etc.? Any good sites out there?

marine qa

Honestly, I find this to be a very informative site, and I built my sump/refguim from info from I learned here. There are some interesting and well-thought-out DIY plans on some threads in this site. Mine is more basic than many.
If I were you, I would use the 75 as the Sump/Refguim for the 150. 225 gallons total water volume sounds great.


check out this link also <a href="" target="_blank"></a> virtually any major search engine should also give you some infor on diy sumps/ refugiums if you type it in