info. please....

i have been reading the saltwater aquarium handbook. IMO it's not that great of a book but it was all the book store had. i am up to the part of the different kinds of species of fish and their compatibility, origin, behavior, etc.. it seems like all the species of fish listed in the book and what are available in the lfs all eat inverts. i know alot of members have inverts. what kind of fish do you keep that dont eat your inverts???


Active Member
woah... big question, lots of answers. Try reading through the <a href="" target="_blank">info section of this site</a>... might be a good addition to your book.
Some of the more popular fishes that are threats to inverts and corals are Triggers, Puffers, Lions, some eels, Angels, Hawkfish, and Butterfiles. That said, there are lots of fish that are not threats to corals and inverts... clowns, cardinal fish, jawfish, gobies, blennies, wrasses, tangs, and some dwarf angels.

the claw

Active Member
Its all an experiment. Even "reef safe" fish have their attitudes sometimes. It all depends on the individual fish. I have a Royal Gramma, Blue Damsel, 2 Purple Firefish, Mandarin Goby, and A Neon Dottyback in my 55. The Psuedochromis is a rather testy individual sometimes. Even he nails an occasional hermit.


I have the Marine Fish book by Scott Michael and I find it very useful. Even when a group of fish (i.e. blennies) are called reef safe, there are members that are not good reef tank inhabitants. Make sure and get a detailed book and ask on and put together a good plan with good, varying sources of information.


Here are a couple of books you may want to try and find I found them very useful and informative. "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Robert Fenner and "Book of the Marine Aquarium" by Nick Dakin. I have 2 Clowns and a Coral Beuty with my inverts and have no problem.


I have a similar setup to your ak_reefer and I was looking into flower pot corals. How does yours do under that light. I also have PCs, wrongly listed in my signature as VHOs (my LFS sold them to me in a full setup as VHOs, I just noticed that they're PCs when I replaced them this week). I have been told these are difficult to keep without MHs.