Information on the Purple Tang???????


I have a oppurtunity to get a purple tang for $75 but from everything I have read they seem very aggressive.
I wasn't really looking to get one when I received a email from a friend who has a guy at work who needs to rehome his Purple Tang.
I have a 180 gallon FOWLR with a dogface puffer and a blue tang and soon a Picasso trigger(still in quartine).
Anyone have any advice for me about them??


Active Member
yes they can be aggressive....i think that with your tank size and stocklist you should be fine though...


Active Member
i think he will do good in that size tank. i would watch for aggression though cause they can be real mean. but i think it should all be fine.


I think they're supposed to be more aggresive towards tangs, even more to tangs that are the same shape as them. I have one and he doesn't bother anyone besides when I'm feeding seaweed he pushes my yellow tang outa the way.


Active Member
I had one for a very short time. He became a bully quickly, even though he was 6 inches max. After a week trial period, he was being mean to fish that were the same size/bigger... He was just fine with my little fish though.
Gorgeous fish, just didn't work well for me.

crypt keeper

Active Member
In 180 gallon with a puffer it will never be boss. It will be a butthead to any tang you place in there. Personally at $75 right now its not worth it. You can get them for $95 later. I would add this guy last if you plan on getting one. Dont get a yellow tang. They are one of the most aggressive fish we keep.
Id get a large angel in juvi form. Queen or Emperor or Annularis. Maybe a Wrasse. Then maybe another fish you like and then the purple tang. It will be put in its place by the others.


Well I'm not going to get him its just not worth the risk of him bullying my blue tang.
I did some reading on them and they just seem to aggressive.
They certainly are beautiful fish though.