Inhabitants for a 75G FOWLR


New Member
While my 75G FOWLR tank cycles I am trying to decide on the fish that will eventually be added. Here is what I would like to add...
Humu Trigger
Yellow Tang
Dwarf Lion
let me know what you think. Thanks.


Active Member
honestly i dont think the trigger or tang would work in that size tank! they need a lot of swimming space.. i believe 100 gallons would be bare minimum for those two.. though if you got a small yellow tang itd work for quite a while!


New Member
Thanks for the input.
Since the best I can do right now is a 75G do you suggest that I stay away from an aggressive setup? If not, which aggressives would you suggest?


Active Member
i have a blue hippo in my 72 gallon and shes doing fine. everyone has there own opinion on the tank size for tangs. I dont see anything wrong with putting them in a 75 i mean 4 feet of swimming room is good enought. you can do lion,eel,tang,maroon clowns i think would also work thats what im doing in my 72 gal reef but not lion.


The Hummu eventually will nip at the motionless Lion over time.I would say the 75 is too small for an adult YT but would happily house a juvy for a long while.I would stay with the aggressive and try to find the biggest Undulated trigger you can find and thats it.


Active Member
yea before you decide on aggressive.. id check out the reef forum maybe youll like it better.. though you can do a bit with a 75g aggressive.. it may not be the most active tank..


New Member
Eventually I will get a larger tank and convert my 75G into a reef. Since I am new to saltwater I thought it best to start with a FOWLR rather than attempting a reef first.
The one fish that I really, really want is a humu trigger. If I were to purchase a very small one (1" - 2") would it be happy in a 75G for a year or two?


Active Member
id say a year would be fine.. but two would be pushin it.. but if it does get to big you can always take it back to a fish store and get another one.. just wouldnt let it get to big for the tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tucker2
Eventually I will get a larger tank and convert my 75G into a reef. Since I am new to saltwater I thought it best to start with a FOWLR rather than attempting a reef first.
The one fish that I really, really want is a humu trigger. If I were to purchase a very small one (1" - 2") would it be happy in a 75G for a year or two?
Smart thinking to do fish before attempting reef. However, like posted earlier, decide between the lion and trigger. You can only do one as the trigger will nip at the lion. The trigger will be fine in the 75 for at least a year, so if you really want the trigger, just do the trigger and not the lion.


Tucker if you go Hummu I would say cheap and colorful damsels in the event the Hummu gets a little ignorant,not to mention they are small.The 75 is no good for the life of a hummu but close in dimension to a 90,which could suffice for definately more than a year IMO.They are not fast growers as in some of the other trigs so rapid growth rate is not an issue.A 2" Hummu will take a while to outgrow a 75,and as I said before add and maintain nice corraline encrusted rock,and the biggest Undulated trigger you can get your hands on.Our Hummu makes a great tankmate with our Jeweled Toby in our 100GL,they swim together and rub on each other,I think they're in love!


New Member
I appreciate the advice. I have decided to go with the Trigger. What tankmakes would you advise? I will be investing in a larger tank within a year or two (at least 200G)


If I had a 75 I would go Undy only.I assume your going with the hummu? If so you could go Hummu,colorful damsel of your choice,Valenti puffer,and a SFE or substitute it for the smaller Viper/Chestnut Moray.1 small Trig,1 small damsel,1 small puffer,1 eel of the smaller genra.I would put the damsel in last as they are cheap and can be a pain in the arzz.Not to mention you wouldn't want one punking your Hummu if he's really tiny.We had a Hepatus in my wifes reef that was nearly killed by one.This way in the event you cannot up-grade you won't be stuck with a 20" fish in your 4' tank.This is just my opinion I'm sure others will chime in.


Active Member
With your trigger, I would recommend maybe a toby puffer (valentini or blue spot), a large damsel or two, maybe a smaller grouper like a spotted one (not a panther or anything that gets huge), maybe a snowflake eel, perhaps a maroon clown. These are all choices, I am not saying do all of them though.