Inhabitants you wish you never bought?



Curious too see if anyone else out there has ever put something in their reef tank that later they wished they hadn't?
For me it's starburst and xenia - they grow like weeds and if not constantly pruned back will take over entire tank!
Any others?


Freakin white spoted herrmit crabs, the killed every thing. Just glad I dindnt have mutch at the time.
I took them for a little walk to the lps and they and I came home.


Active Member
green star polyps. they spread way to fast, and ther almost impossible to get rid of.
green stripped shrooms. they spread as well, and there too hard to get off the rocks.


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I've had only two fish in my 55 gallon for over two years, a yellow-tailed damsel and a psychedelic mandarin. My damselfish is unlike any other damsel I have seen... it is actually peaceful. Everything was good. With an abundance of live rock and a light fish load, the mandarin had no problem finding ample food.
That all changed when I saw a beautiful fish called a neon velvet damsel. I bought 4 of them and added them to my tank. Within 2 weeks my kenya tree was constantly closed from the little buggers nipping on it. The psychedelic mandarin looked a little thinner from all the fish eating his pods, and my poor peaceful yellow-tailed damsel slowly lost his dominance.
Needless to say I had to tear down the entire tank to catch the neon velvet damsels.


chocolate chip star that dam 6.00 star ate about 40.00 worth of coral in one night.
It did make a nice magnet for my frig.


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My coral beauty angel. He picks the hell out of my Hammer coral and gorgonians. He leaves everything else alone. But I can't bring myself to get rid of him yet. I love him and hate him at the same time.


Active Member
my goddamn HERMIT CRABS ive gone thru roughly 40 turbos! so i gave up on snails. i have nasserous snails so i can eventually toss my 5 hermits out of my 55g. all my fish are great and leave my colt and shrooms alone. (just started softies)


my green wolf eel...............

All my little fish started to disappear one by one..........
1 have over 150lbs of LR so it was a MAJOR project trying to get him out!!!


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Originally Posted by digitydash
Purple mushrooms lol I have sold 4 rocks and have just as many as I did then everyday I find another one

i wish i had your problem. . i can't even keep a mushroom , and polyps b4 them b4 but now my monti and acropora are growing faster than anything in the tank after i adding xenias and my e******f calcium reactor.i just waiting for the gsp and zoa to spread like weeds and believe or not i want my xenias to spread too.


Thanks for replies - I am still thinking of removing all my green starburst and xenia, one lfs 135 miles away will take all I can bring in. Thanks again as my list of DO NOT BUY has just been updated.

Originally Posted by Dennis210
Curious too see if anyone else out there has ever put something in their reef tank that later they wished they hadn't?
For me it's starburst and xenia - they grow like weeds and if not constantly pruned back will take over entire tank!
Any others?
would you be wiling to sell a piece or frag of that stuff.plz dont charge to pm me


spotted mandarin.
-he always hid and because of the rumors I didn't qt him. HE didn't get any diseases but when I introduced him to the tank, all my other fish got this unidentifyable clear parasite.


A .50 cent hermit crab that grew up and is now almost the size of a basball. Already ate well over a $100 in stock. I miss my Crocea Clam

Anybody want to adopt him????


Active Member
Originally Posted by Marka1620
A .50 cent hermit crab that grew up and is now almost the size of a basball. Already ate well over a $100 in stock. I miss my Crocea Clam

Anybody want to adopt him????

Oh but he's beautiful! Those big blue eyes say "I wouldn't hurt a fly" lol


Originally Posted by Keri
Oh but he's beautiful! Those big blue eyes say "I wouldn't hurt a fly" lol

Oh yes.............behind those big blue eyes. There lurks something evil.

The only reason that he hasnt ended up in my freezer is because he does have a great personality. Tried to dump him off at the LFS, but they said no way.