initial cuc list would like opinions


Well I am putting together a list of what I would like for my initial CUC. I was going to use hermits but decided against it because of well, all the bad feed back on them. This is for a 180 around 200 pounds of dead base rock. I do not want to overkill my CUC so they do not starve to death so I do not have to get everything on this list at once. So here is the list and any opinions would be greatly appreciated:
3 emerald crabs
2 porcelains
1 sally lightfoot
colony of feather dusters
lettuce nudibranch
cleaner shrimp or fire shrimp or both
coral banded shrimp
peppermint shrimp
nass snails 10
turbo astrea 10
brittle star (or 2)
serpent star
maybe some urchins
So let me know what you guys think. Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Even if it's for a new tank, I'd up the amount of snails. Definitely more Nassarius, both large and Vibex. I don't see hermits, you don't want any in your tank? I'm not a huge fan of larger stars so personally I'd leave them out.
Is this tank going to be a reef? If so, I'd stay away from urchins.
In a nutshell, more different types of snails even for a new tank.


Ok so more snails, a cucumber, no urchins for a reef, no I do not want hermits, I can not afford to keep replacing snails, so what about the rest of the list?


Active Member
Your shrimp are OK, they don't really act as a cleanup crew in a sense of cleaning detritus and algea. Are you adding any type of a algae eating Blenny in there?


Possibly, not sure yet but I think I am going to go with all snails first and then build up as needed from there , I know the shrimp do not do much as far as cleaning just adding them in for some personality and color. I will have to do algae sheets for a while no algae in the tank at all. s it becuase I did not add live rock? all I have is dead base and live sand, will add live rock later.


I have 200lbs of base rock I am cycling with raw shrimp and 180lbs of half dry aragonite and half aragalive sand what I meant by the rock was I do not have any that has coraline or any living hitchers or algae. The bacteria part is not the problem, as soon as the tank is cycled and ready then I will add some good cured live rock to take care of coraline.


Active Member
If I were you, I'd add the cured LR now while you are still in the middle of the cycle and that will help build up the beneficial bacteria in the tank. If your cured LR is out of the water even for a very short time the dieing of organisms start and you may experience a new small cycle once you add it to your tank.


Very true did not think of that,
I will pick up some in the next few days. I am not going to buy alot probably couple of pounds.