Injured Carpet Question

l.i. geo

I Heard You Can Help An Anemone Split By Cutting It? I Need Advise On How To Do That By Someone That Had Experience In This!! My Anemone Had Swallowed My Nudibranch And Then Spit It Out And I Got Lucky That It Didnt Kill The Anemone And Evrything Else In My Tank. I Got Rid Of The Nudi Right Away But Now The Carpet Lost A Bunch Of The Tenacles And Injured In The Spot Where The Nudi Released The Toxins. The Carpet Looks Fine On 3/4's Of His Oral Disc. I Wanted To Induce Splitting To Get A Good One, Doesnt Look Like The Carpet Is Going To Heel Anytime Soon. I Would Really Appreciate Any Advise Someone Has On Cutting For Splitting Of The Anemone. Thank You


I don't think carpets split. So I wouldn't try to make him. Just let him be he will heal himself. The best thing you can do alot of times in saltwater is nothing.


Carpet anemones do not split cutting it will deffinately kill it. Your best bet is to leave it alone. It may or may not heal. Nudibranch have some pretty nasty toxins. What type was it? Good luck.
a little off topic, but i didnt want to make a whole new thread, but are there any carpet anemones that are suitable for a 24g nano?