Injured Clown


I was moving some of my rock around yesterday and scared one of my clowns. It swam really fast right into a rock and stayed there for a second. I noticed today that one of his eyes was bulging. Will he be ok, or is there something I can do? He seems to be hiding a lot today instead of being out in the open swiming around. I tried a little of the minced garlic thing, so we'll see if that helps.


Staff member
Try feeding him with meaty foods that have been soaked in fresh garlic. Use real garlic, not the bottle variety. There is a recipe in the FAQ Thread.
Its wait and see, aside from that.


Active Member
Shortly after I purchased my little pygmy angel, I noticed the same thing with one of her was definitely an injury and not pop eye, but I have no idea how she did it.
I did feed garlic laced foods for a couple of weeks (which everybody in the tank loved), and before too long she was back to her old self again. If you look at her now, you would never know she had a problem with that eye (as bad as it looked at the time that I discovered it...YIKES!).
Good luck with your little clown...hope he gets better soon.
Lisa :happyfish


He seemed to be doing better yesterday, but this morning he was dancing arounf at the top of the tank. I don't have my QT cycled yet, so I took some water from my main tank and put him and the water in a beer pitcher with some more garlic "laced" food to see if it might help him eat if he was alone. I know that probably wasn't the best Idea, but it was the only thing I could think of at the time. I feel really bad for the poor guy.


Weird that you posted this. I just noticed my clown had the same problem yesterday. This happened after I rearranged my tank on last Th. Has the eye gotten better yet?


Originally Posted by AGENT-X
He seemed to be doing better yesterday, but this morning he was dancing arounf at the top of the tank. I don't have my QT cycled yet, so I took some water from my main tank and put him and the water in a beer pitcher with some more garlic "laced" food to see if it might help him eat if he was alone. I know that probably wasn't the best Idea, but it was the only thing I could think of at the time. I feel really bad for the poor guy.
Moving him from cotainer to container is only going to stress him out more. Keep us posted.


Well, today when I got home I found him dead. Poor little guy. This is the first fish i've lost. This is my second tank I've done and the first time I've lost a fish. I'm really bumed


Originally Posted by AGENT-X
Well, today when I got home I found him dead. Poor little guy. This is the first fish i've lost. This is my second tank I've done and the first time I've lost a fish. I'm really bumed

I am very sorry for your loss. Please set up a quarantine tank and get it cycled. They are absolutely invaluable.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
I am very sorry for your loss. Please set up a quarantine tank and get it cycled. They are absolutely invaluable.
I've learned that now. I will be more prepared next time.