Injured Damsel Question


Okay, aside from my Hippo Tang having ich, I noticed that my yellowtail damsel, who was previously beaten almost to death by another aggressive damsel (removed) has what looks like a hole in his side, he was all bitten up and it looked like a scab had formed but now he looks like he has a hole in his side. He is swimming, eating and behaving fine, should I be concerned or is this a normal healing process. His color has come back every where else but the one side has a dent or hole in it. I will try to get pics tonite. Should I remove him? Is this dangerous to other fish?


Staff member
Can you post a picture of that?
Is the whole getting bigger, or shrinking?


New Member
The color looks excellent. I'd just make sure to keep him eating, maybe something nutrient enriched to help the healing. Damsels are ridiculously indestructable.