Injured fox coral. what to do?


three day ago, my fox coral fell and its corallum broke. the rest seems to be ok, but the broken piece is waving in current suspended by injured tissue. will injury spread throughout organism? should I cut off injred piece? tissue remains intact. am I being too worried?


Active Member
Your concerns are justified as these corals have a horrible habit ob dying as a result of any tissue damage. It is very difficult to find one that made the transit ok, which is why I have not gotten another one.
If it were me, I would probably remove the broken piece and hope for the best. You never know, if it was healthy to begin with it might just make. Best of luck.


the entire speciment was equally inflated from front to back, now not only injury is withdrawn, but area surrounding is pulled back as in picture. i think there might be a point to frag it at, but the break will be very ify, because its not really ready. does anyone know, will the injury spread throughout if infected? should i wait for it to get infected to attempt risky frag? i'm faced with a choice and was hoping to draw on some of your experience.

nm reef

Active Member
I would make every attempt to keep the damaged area stable and be patient. They do have a very poor record of recovery from tissue damage and often deterioate you could do at this point is provide ideal conditions and hope for the best. I've had a healthy one for just over a year now but it took me nearly that long to find one that was healthy and not showing signs of tissue reccession. Good luck with yours...:thinking:


Active Member
If the broken piece is "swaying" then I would do one of two things:
1. Cut it off with a brand new razor blade to get a very clean cut.
2. As NM stated, provide optimal conditions, which would mean supporting the broken piece and putting a little pressure between the two pieces in hopes that new tissue may develop over the break and heal it. Also, LOW current, moderate light.