Input on Livestock List?


We have a 92 gallon corner reef tank with only a Yellow Tang right now. A nasty bout of Ich wiped out our other fish. It's been months now, the Tang as the sole survivor. We've tried a two clowns since then, but none have lasted more than a few days. Mostly we've been concentrating on the corals.
We think the tank is ready for some more livestock and want to place an order in the near future. The Tang has gotten a little full of himself since having the tank to himself for so long. Figured it's better to get a few fish at once to throw him off gaurd. This is the potential livestock list...any feedback would be appreciated with regard to choices and if doing this in one shot is a good idea or not.
1 Md. Coral Beauty (Most unsure abt. putting this one in at the same time as the others)
1 Md. Tomato Clown
1 Md. Midas Blenny
3 Sm. Chromis
BTW - we're aiming for a peaceful reef tank.


Active Member
Sounds good but with the yellow tang being in there so long by himself for so long I would be concerned with him being aggressive towards the other fish. Just because you add them all at once doesn't mean it will be any easier on them.


Originally Posted by Travis89
Sounds good but with the yellow tang being in there so long by himself for so long I would be concerned with him being aggressive towards the other fish. Just because you add them all at once doesn't mean it will be any easier on them.
Any suggestions? We've got very little chance of catching him. We got him for eating algae when we had a problem with it and then wound up with just him. He's cool enough, but we're not totally in love with him. If I could catch him I would trade him.
I thought the idea was that if you introduced several at once it would put him more on defense than offense.