Insane idea but had to ask


shark bait

I am PADI and live in Southern California, Colder water area, eg. 65 avg. At times when i dive see fish, that are not in the trade. While good common fish keeping says no leave them alone, the hobby leads me to say cool lets make a tank. has any one ever collected fish from the wild and DIY tank. I saw a -#$-% fish ( california state fish) and it damn near came home with me on it's own regards, yet i have a common tank with tropic fish and knew it would die due to temp change or kill all my fish with the toxins it could have. Any one ever had the guts to try this??? :happyfish


you can do it as most of the fish in the pet trade are wild caught. only problem is finding out if you are allowed to. i would find out your states laws on this.


Those are cool looking fish. Bright orange and friendly. I would almost say it's illegal to take this fish home, because it's the state marine fish, but I DID find a place you can buy this fish, it's expensive. And here's the funny's a damsel! Maybe since you can buy it, it's NOT illegal. But I'd ask...


Active Member
If the place you can buy it is out side of california then they are not bound by california law. You on the other hand would be bound to the law since you live in that state. Call the division of wild life and inquier as to the laws regarding the capture of this fish . :notsure:

shark bait

The fish is protected and a $1500 fine comes with it. However, it is a cold water fish and would die in the tank. further it lives in water with not so great water quality. I was told that if i put it in the tank it will die and it will kill everything with it. So if i want on i have to buy it from a LFS and make sure it is a mexican fish and it will live. I dived yesterday for 2 hours and they were every where and cocky as hell, even say a 5 foot shark of some kind. So I'm not going to do it.


I live in so cal also. I have thought about taking hermit crabs and other critters from the tide pools. I was told by my LFS that our waters were too cold but are they???? In the tide pools the crabs live in about two inches of water in 80 to 90 degree weather in the hot sun all day. Its not 65 in that two inches, then when night falls or high tide they get splashed and instantly change 20+ degrees makes me think I should take something home and test it in a QT tank.


I am assuming you are talking about a Garabaldi. If you are, they are protected in California.You CAN catch fish, provided you have a chiller, and plan to keep all species from temperate waters.
Check the legality of catching the fish. I stated you CAN catch the fish, but you may not be allowed
to catch the fish.

shark bait

California Fish and Game have a State code protecting the fish, as it is the California State fish. But what an awsome fish, i saw one that had to be 6-7" and i could poke it with my gun, so netting it would be cake. But the fine is huge, and would post an issue unless I decided to do a Pacific Fish tank, and to be quite frank Pacific fish do not compare to the others in the trade. :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
Another factor to consider is that it is not a good plan to catch anything that you don't intend to keep for good. IMO, you should not catch fish and then release them. In captivity, especially with fish from different areas or oceans, you can pass on pathogens etc and then release them into the wild. So catch what you can keep...not something that will out grow the system.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bwilson
I live in so cal also. I have thought about taking hermit crabs and other critters from the tide pools. I was told by my LFS that our waters were too cold but are they???? In the tide pools the crabs live in about two inches of water in 80 to 90 degree weather in the hot sun all day. Its not 65 in that two inches, then when night falls or high tide they get splashed and instantly change 20+ degrees makes me think I should take something home and test it in a QT tank.

Don't forget the nasty crap (literally) in our water down here. I'd be afraid of what might come home with your new crabs. Maybe if you're down near La Jolla it'd be o.k. but water 'round here ain't fit for tanks (i.e. surfers contracting hepatitis) That's mainly north of me even, but I'd check local water conditions.
That reminds me of a joke, too
Hey, mom, don't bother cookin' fish tonight
Cuz dad's bringin home the CRABS!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Don't forget the nasty crap (literally) in our water down here. I'd be afraid of what might come home with your new crabs. Maybe if you're down near La Jolla it'd be o.k. but water 'round here ain't fit for tanks (i.e. surfers contracting hepatitis) That's mainly north of me even, but I'd check local water conditions.
That reminds me of a joke, too
Hey, mom, don't bother cookin' fish tonight
Cuz dad's bringin home the CRABS!!!!

Just had an idea!
you try it first and, if you don't have problems, then I'll try it! seriously.
no falsifying results


Active Member
Just wondering.............How far out to sea do you have to go to be considered outside the state of California. The difference may be that it's o.k. to catch, but as soon as you hit the shore, you broke the law. I also have a gun collection. I own guns banned by the state of Kalifornia and must keep them with family in Missouri, as it is lawful to OWN but not POSESS. If anyone finds the answer to this please post it. :notsure:
ps...same with the crabs

shark bait

I know that you have to be far out to be in international waters. I have done a baja mexico cruse and it was not untill we were almost to Ensanada we were able to gamble, the Issue I get is when we take out the boat to catalina and dock fish and game is around the port and often will check your catch, so even if id did go to "Mexico" and get the Garabaldi, I could under California State law be in violation of possession of a protected species. Further as water is concerned, much of the real ocean water that we can buy in the stores comes from 20 miles west of Catalina Island and from very deep, so I would think while diving in remote areas of the Islands collecting some items may be possable, and use a qt tank with blue dams, ( sorry but it is in the name of science) to see if the fish die. then i would think it could be safe in the main tank?? but I would not dare to do it with the collection I have. Cant risk killing a "G" in fish.


Active Member
You know my wife gave me crabs too she got them at LFS from the girl that works there.
the scarry part is she also brought home snails and a mandrain gobby with the crabs


i just checked out the geribaldi on the net i would like to buy one of those for my 240 , i live in cali so i guess i need to find out where to bye em at i might have to order them out of state just to have it but im willing to

shark bait

Yup it is a big gold fish with more spunk than a queen trigger. I am not so much in love with the fish to turn my set up pacific, however i am going to spend the money to gat one from mexico that can live in 78*. I just hope my miniatta stays away, lost a harliquin tusk ( 5") to him. awh only $200. f-n fish. but again love them. I say nevery turn your back on them. They are like kids, when you not watchin, the do the crazyest things.
You can spend years and thousands, and I mean thousands to make them happy, and one day go crazy.
i think it might be a good idea to start keeping fish from the same region in the tank, and forget mixing.