Inspired by NM Reef


Active Member
Having been inspired by some of the photos NM Reef has posted of his clams, I thought that they might make a nice addition to my large tank Order an assortment online and here's what I got. I have them acclimating right now before I try and place them in the tank. I wanted a variety of sizes but I didn't expect the large one to be as large as it is. I hope that they don't eat fish as this one looks big enough to do so. :notsure: Will post some more pictures tomorrow after I get them placed in the tank



Active Member
Dang, I was inpired too but only bought one crocea

Share your pics once they ar ein your big tank!


Active Member
nice! naw, they dont eat fish. only sunshine and phyto plankton. They use their gills to filter it out. too much of the larger stuff and they get cloged and they could die. It looks like you got a derasa, 3 croceas, and 2 maximas, although the large one could be a big squamosa, but a pic when it opens up all the way owuld say for sure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by whitey_028
No more nitrate problems for you!!! lol
can a clam lower nitrate? new to reef


Active Member
well clams, like most corals, have the algae in them to produce their food though photosynthesis called zooxanthellae. This algae, like other plans, do obtain nitrates (fertilizer). Clams actualy have 10X the amount as most corals. But IMO, you realy arent going to lower nitrates unless you have a lot of clams in a small tank.


Active Member
goodwin! Nice clams...Ok now I am going to start another tank...right now!!! I need some clams.


Active Member
well if i dont have many fish (5 small reef fish) on 225 gallon reef tank and 1 have 8 crocea clam. maybe nitrate of 10 will it lower it to 9? thank you new to reef


Active Member
Originally Posted by bullitr
well if i dont have many fish (5 small reef fish) on 225 gallon reef tank and 1 have 8 crocea clam. maybe nitrate of 10 will it lower it to 9? thank you new to reef
you shouldnt get a clam to lower your nitrates, thats a bad idea.
how old is your tank, and what type of lighting do you have?


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
you shouldnt get a clam to lower your nitrates, thats a bad idea.
how old is your tank, and what type of lighting do you have?
2 years 225g reef 400 watts metal halide retro with 260 watts actinic.i have clam for more than 2 months nitrate is just fine i think 10 or less or maybe close to zero now i dont have that much fish anymore. new to reef but not with saltwater.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
Will post some more pictures tomorrow after I get them placed in the tank

Where are the other pictures?


Active Member
Originally Posted by theappe
Wow those are a lot of clams. Looks nice. Cant wait to see em in the tank!

clams rock. we have 5 in our reef now and i want a new one every time i see them. the wife says there is enough though so i guess its time to make a nice low clam tank that is viewed from above