Installing new MH- how to light acclimate?


Active Member
Today I will be hanging a new metal halide light fixture. There r corals in the tank. Two were put in yesterday after being purchased at LFS where they were under halide but probably not new bulbs. The other pieces have been in my other tank under PC lighting. Can anyone give me their advice on how to acclimate these corlas and for how long I should run the halides to start?
I will hang them 10 or so inches above the tank and use some egg crate and pond sreening to help filter the light. Should the egg crate and one layer of mesh screening be enough or do I need more? How long before I remove a layer?


Active Member
I have also read you can start with the light much higher and gradually move it down but I thought the sheet thing sounded easier.....but I may need more sheeting. (thanks Dogstar)
Anyone ever just lowered the light gradually?


Active Member
I just started minw at 1 hour the first day and added an hour every other day untill i was up to 8 hours.


Active Member
Of cousre several ways. Lowering the light, raiseing the corals. extending the time the lights are on each week. Easiest is the screen IMO. Just make sure it want melt.


Active Member
I think I will use a combination of all these methods. I hung the lights about 18 inches up, have egg crate over the entire tank and screening over the side with the zooanthids. I figure the frogspawn will be good with the raised lighting and egg crate since it was under 150 watts of MH at the LFS.
Thanks for all the input.


Do you have to light acclimate with PC Lights???I’m going to add a 48" 260w PC Light to my 100g tank in a few weeks... Should I be doing something similar to this method or will everything be fine?
Also, I am moving a few mushrooms
to my 25g tank that has a 24" 130w PC light already running, will I have to do something special for that acclimation with the lights?
Should I place
the mushrooms closer to the lights or farther away
from the lights?
(Sorry to but into your post...)


Active Member
I am under the impression you can and often should acclimate with any light increase that is significant. Place the mushrooms low in the tank, butt in any time.