Instant Ocean....Complete Package


Hi All, I'm back from Disney World where I marveled the "Living Seas" attraction. It was great. A quick question....I'm still researching what I want to purchase for my first SW aquarium. I was visiting a local ***** where I saw, for the first time, a 55gal complete kit, without a stand. It also included, an Emperor 440? and a submersible heater, and an hygrometer.
All for a low price of just $299. Now, that's without stand. I was just wondering how many of you went that route, namely, complete sets to save some money. Did you make out well, or were you sorry you didnt buy the components separately. Please let me know. Thanks.


Active Member
Most LFS sell package deals, and in my experience all they consist of is the stuff you need for a freshwater tank and a big bag of salt.
What are the exact components of this package? What are you planning, a reef or a fish only tank? Try making a list of what you need (gathered from research) for the type of marine tank you want, and then compare it to the list in the package. You just might see that they are quite different.
IMHO, the package is good start, but you will end up buying lots of other stuff separately anyway.


New Member
i am familiar with this package deal, If you plan on buying a set up including a stand you will save more money by buying the combo(tank stand hood and light) at your local pet store and getting all the equipment at online stores. Also by purchasing online you get a better selection of product. The best advice I can give is spend a little time researching the tank you want so you dont buy something and later find out you need something else.(EX. lighting if you want a reef you need good lights, dont buy cheap ones, kill a bunch of coral, and then spend more money on the proper ones) if you need specific help let me know, I'd be happy to help.


New Member
oh by the way my lfs rms aquaculture has it for 199.99. if you were still interested you could probably find it cheaper.


Well, to answer some of your questions, I'm planning a fish only tank with live rock and live sand. So, I guess HID lights are not a factor. However I was hoping to get at least a twin tube light fixture.
Today I went to Aquarium Adventure, I know they have a store in Ohio, where exactly, I dont know. Well, Now i'm even more confused. See, they sell everything "ala carte". I asked them about this and they said that some people like a specific tank, but a different stand, so that's why everything is priced separately. Of course they do have specials on complete sets. They also said, that if I joined their "fish club", I would get 25%off of everything I buy, except the tank itself. They never told me how much it is to join though.
After being there today, I saw a gorgeous 125gal tank. that was on sale for $178. Tank only. The stand, was black vinyl for $220. I inquired about a metal stand to save on money, however I was told that metal stands with 125gal tanks, tend to bow in the center, so that there's actually a gap in the middle between the tank and the stand? How true is this???
I've researched all of my prospects for about 6months. I'm usually the type of person that likes to get everything right the first time, i.e. complete tank, with overflow, with a sump. etc, etc, I'd like to save some money though, and go with an Emperor 400 on the outside, but I dont want to pay for it in the long run.
Another thing, I trust all of your opinions more so than any other lfs. Thanks for always answering honestly.


New Member
I'm not sure about your AA in NY but the one in OH has the worst prices on accesories in the area. even with the 25% off you could get cheaper stuff on line. I like having wet/dry filters for several reasons, cheaper to maintain, hidden under stand, easier access, you can put other accesories inside sump like your heater and skimmer leaving more room inside your tank. you will probaly pay mor upfront but those emperor filter cartriges will kill you in the long run. if you must get it try great prices and fast shipping. for your lighting try ----, there is a seller named aquadeal, he has pc hoods jebo brand for dirt cheap 55wx4bulb for a 48" tank for 79.99 with bulbs you will need a separate fan. check out his heaters and pumps as well, I am very happy with his products and service.
I would still suggest for you to get the tank, stand, glass top and maybe you substrate(unless you want live sand)araganite for your reef of crushed coral for your regular fish tank and of course salt at your lfs, the more you save on your accesories the more you can spend on the tank and a good stand, not one of those junky metal ones. The real problem with those metal stands is long term corrosion and warping, they are just painted not powdercoated. The AA in OH sell custom built stands with matching hoods these are very nice but kinda expensive, you could always go with the perfecto or all glass brand stand for the tank you are getting.
i would just get the tank / stand / hood at your local LFS. i bought mine at *****, where they bundled it with a powerfilter, heater, thermometer. don't buy anything beyond that from them.
i buy everything else on the internet:
instant ocean (bag makes 50 gallons) $10
aragonite live reef sand - 20 lb bag for $22
visi-jet protein skimmer - $32
maxi-jet 900 powerhead - $20
fiji live rock - 25 pounds for $150
if you want the web address of who i use, email me at