Instant Ocean/ Kent Sea Salt


I use IO salt, well the reason for this question is on the last trip to the lfs we got into a debate on additives and to make a long story short he said to use Kent salt instead of Instant Ocean as the Kent salt has alot more major ,minor and trace elements, I thought IO was the best salt out there. There is a 50% increase in the cost of the Kent. He said if I used the Kent I would'nt have to dose a thing..What do you think???????? <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
IO Salt is very good salt and the Kent is not worth a 50% boost . He prob gets a better % on the Kent and therfore wants to push it.


every one i know with tanks pretty much uses io, as well as myself. i don't see a prob with either, it's personal opinion as far as i'm concerned. it's not worth switching to me. like i said though, it's really personal opinion. :cool:


I use IO and don't add trace elements. I am happy with my tank so I am not looking for anything different.


Active Member
I was told by my friend at a lfs in visalia that Kent actually buys IO and just adds in its corral excell and calls it kent marine. I use kent marine because a 200 gal bucket is only 55.00, but if IO was cheaper then I would use it.