Instant Ocean, making good



Well I thought that I would update you all on the progress of Aquarium systems making good on the customer service thing.
I finally recieved my replacement salt, I did have to call on it and when checked with their shipping dept, they said it was sent, when checked with UPS we found that it was not. So they shipped it right out to me and now it is here. Seems I have to stay on top of them.
We are running into a snag on the cleanup crew thing. Aquarium systems does not have company credit cards, and have tried to set up an account here at SWF for purchase order, however SWF does not accept PO orders. The suggestion is for me to order my clean up crew and send them the receipt, in which they will reemberse me or find a different company that will except the PO order. Either way I need a cleanup crew, and we are looking at about a $200 order.
Where is a cleanup crew contest when I need one?
Having recieved orders from SWF, I can state that I trust the live goods and health of my orders, and the outstanding customer service that I have enjoyed. Needless to say I would much rather go the route of staying here for the order as opposed to going outside of this site.
UPdate on system. - Things seem to be stablizing well, I have been running with only 3 snails and 3 hermit crabs as a cleanup crew + I have seen two bristle worms that seem to have survived the water change disaster. I am down to a small patch of cyno and one rock that is still suffering hair algea, also bubble aglea is growing real well and becoming hard to control. I have also been using Ozone in my tank for nearly two weeks, hoping for cleaner water and abaitment to some of these algea's. Still dripping kalk and it does seem to help with phosphates, and the corals like it. It seems that all my corals have recoverd.


Glad they've made ammends to you Thomas.
Waterfaller1, I'm sure that it was a random bad batch. Instant Oceans been around for ever, and I've only heard of people having bad batches a few times. Still, I'm going to be testing my ph before I add it to my tanks from now on as a precaution. With EVERY salt, regardless of brand.


Which leads to the inevitable conclusion that IO is no better than any other salt.
I find Mr. Shimek's argument about high level of trace elements in synthetic salts persuasive. And will be going with a product that more accurately mimics NSW. (Natural Sea Water for the TLA challenged). :)
One man's opinion.