Instant Ocean synthetic sea salt


Instant Ocean synthetic sea salt has anybody had a problem with this kind of salt . if you are using this brand do you like it?


I've always used it and have never had any problems. I mix it with RO water I buy from the local grocery store


I find it insufficiant salt for a reef tank. I've also had some devistating results with a bad batch....I'll never use it again if I can avoid it. I'm not the only one that has had this experience.


Active Member
Do a search on IO, you will find quite a few posts.
I use coralife and have never had any issues with it.


IMO instant ocean is ok for FO tank,but if you are considering reef i would consider another type or brank of salt.I curently switched to Tropic marine reef pro and very happy with it.You will find many and i mean many opinons on this topic.


Active Member
I have read about many people on this message board having problems with Instant Ocean.
I use Oceanic. Tropic Marin is also EXCELLENT.


I just started seein the Tropic Marine at ***** and it is the cheapest salt I have seen for sale. 50 gallons worth for the same price as 25 gallons worth of Oceanic which I am currently useing but don't have enough experiance to begin to compare. Im curious to see what people think about the two as far as comparisons go!


Active Member
I've tried both Instant Ocean and Oceanic salts...I've noticed that with IO, my tank very blantantly breaks out with green hair algea...With Oceanic, my calcium goes up quite a bit. I'm thinking of mixing the 2 to see what might happen...don't know yet though. I would want to come up with a good ratio between the 2.
Lisa :happyfish


I used IO for over a year with no problems other than I was always fighting trying to keep my calcium levels up. I have since switched to Tropic Marin for the last 4 water changes. I've noticed that the levels are a lot better. I also have heard good things about the IO reef crystals. But like mentioned in an earlier post if it's FOWLR I think the IO would be Ok. Do a search on this site, there really has been a lot of discussion about this topic.


Active Member
I use IO only b/c i bought it when i was a beginner...I plan on switching to reef crystals...though I havent really had problems with IO...dont know if thats the reason why i have alot of cynobacteria?


Active Member
I keep all reef tanks and I have yet to have any problem with I/O, orther than one bag that was old but IO replaced it and it was easy enough to add supplemental calcium to makeup fopr the precipatated cal etc that was lost. Until I have a issue with it, its still the cheapest salt in this area and works just fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by arsen_36
it gave me GREEN corralline
! other than that... never had a problem :notsure:
Any salt brand will give you green coraline.
I don't use IO, but I do use reef crystals, which is made by the same company as IO but formulated more for a reef tank. Never had a problem with it.


Why is it that they all give you green coraline? Whats wrong with it? By the way any long term comparisons between the cheap tropic marine and the others?


Active Member
There's nothing wrong with green coraline, at least IMO. The green variety simply is thinner and grows faster than purple coraline. In time the purples will grow over and replace the green coraline.


OOOOOOK. So i stopped by ***** today and it turns out the cheap salt i've been seeing isn't tropic marine. But rather Aquatic Gardens Brand....soooooooo any input? lol


Active Member
Aquatic Garden salt is just *****'s house brand of salt made / produced in china and comprised entirely of 100% natural salts obtained from the children working in their child labor industries.