Instant Ocean


I need to buy some more for water changes and was wondering if i should get the crystals since i am doing a reef tank.

nm reef

Active Member
I just use the IO......and run a calcium reactor with a little additional supplimentation for calcium/alkalinity/magnesium.......never really saw the need to spend additional for the Reef mixture.


Active Member
I just use the Regular stuff and my fish are super happy with it so I don't plan on changing anytime soon.


Active Member
I use regular IO and dose kalkwasser. When I run out of kalkwasser I plan to buy "pickling lime" from the grocery store, which is exactly the same thing but 1/10th the price.


yep, regular io and i dose coral vite for the trace elements, i am also now experimenting with (2) products
az-no3 which removes nitrates
and po4 out which removes phosphates
cant get trates to below 5 to 10 ppm
and since i didnt cook my rock i got a shedding prob causing excess phosphates. now i have a nasty little outbreak of hair algie. i am really getting into sps but i have to get all of this under control before I make the investment. darn buggers are expensive and i dont want to weeds to choke em out.
i suppose when my cal starts to be sucked up by my future sps i will be dosing kalk too. a reactor is just too much $$$ at the moment. Ill have to keep it old school.


Active Member
Reef Crystals been very happy with it over the past 8 years.......I've used IO and others, but still prefer Reef Crystals