Instant Ocean


I bought a 50 gal bag of salt. And have been mixing to 2 days and the water still looks cloudy. The water that I mixed the instant ocean with is ro/di and I heated the water to 78 degrease.
Has this happened to any one else?
Thanks Jim


Originally Posted by Jimlssc24
I bought a 50 gal bag of salt. And have been mixing to 2 days and the water still looks cloudy. The water that I mixed the instant ocean with is ro/di and I heated the water to 78 degrease.
Has this happened to any one else?
Thanks Jim
I have 50 gallons churning at all times in my garage, used old fish tank and powerhead with direct fill and shut off valve from RO/DI. I just pull out 10 gallons every weekend for water changes and it automatically refills, I just need to add salt.
I get that sometimes if I pour the salt in to fast. I have been told that if you just pour the salt in the water all at once, you can cause a precipitation event. Once I read that I started pouring in the salt very slowly, allowing the powerhead to mix before it hits the bottom of the tank and the cloudyness stopped.
Pull out the powerhead and/or the heater and see if it has white crusty buildup, if so that is either alkalinity or calcium build up (I forget which) from the precipitation event.
Also you can check the ALK and CA levels to verify.
I used the saltwater, but I have a 250 gallon tank and do 10 gallon water changes weekly
so the cloudyness won't have a big effect on my tank.
Good Luck


NO NO NO do not put it in your freakin tank!!!!
Sorry but this happend to me once and it was Instant Ocean.. Found the alkalinity was way off the chart into space. Killed my inverts in less than three minutes, some even faster.
My advice is to test it first before adding it to your tank, test for everything especially alk and calcium, then mag.
Do not add it if it is still cloudy after 2 days.
Is there any evidence of precipitation on the sides of the trash can?


Originally Posted by Thomas712
NO NO NO do not put it in your freakin tank!!!!
Sorry but this happend to me once and it was Instant Ocean.. Found the alkalinity was way off the chart into space. Killed my inverts in less than three minutes, some even faster.
My advice is to test it first before adding it to your tank, test for everything especially alk and calcium, then mag.
Do not add it if it is still cloudy after 2 days.
Is there any evidence of precipitation on the sides of the trash can?

there is evidence of precipitation on the sides of the trash can


Active Member
IMO instant ocean mixed water should be crystal clear within 10 minutes of mixing it (maybe a little longer for garbage pale size mixing. I use 5 gallon buckets). Damn if I would use water still cloudy after 2days, hell the whole water change job isn't but an hour for me including the mixing (minus obtaining and heating the water. so there is one advantage to a small tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jimlssc24
there is evidence of precipitation on the sides of the trash can
You have a bad batch it sounds like. Take it back to the LFS and return it for a new bucket!! Dump the cloudy water down the drain... but test the alkalinity first for proof that it's bad.

boat racer

This happend to me once but it was because I added the PH Buffer(amount for the tank) to the can of new water.It clouded up and didnt clear for a few days.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lubeck
So as long as its not cloudy its good to go?
Depends what you mean. It is always wise to be certain by testing parameters of this mix water..not just salinity and temperature but things like alk, pH, etc which can all be a "shock" to the system.


Check the salinity of the water. You may have the salinity too high. Also make sure that it is completely dissolved. Things you've probably already checked but worth looking into.