Instant Ocean


Active Member
I've been battling low calcium, now I know why....I use Instant Ocean. I'm glad I'm almost out. Thanks, great thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
but why is Tropic Marin 90 bucks for bucket in my LFS and all the other reef salts are like 50 ?
I just got the 200 gallon bucket of TM Pro for 59.99 and shipping was only 10 bucks.

I had problems with coralife and have switched and my PH is stable now, would swing and i had to dose before i switched over, also mag was low.


Active Member
Does Instant Ocean have Nitrates or Phosphates in it?
Coralife, Oceanic, Red Sea, Seachem, Kent, and Tropic Marin each say no nitrates or phosphates. I'm sure, I'm just tired and reading into things. Instant Ocean just states that it's been around for over 40 years and brags on itself.
I saw this on another website that sells all of these brands of salt.