Insulting Inexperienced People


Originally Posted by Ray28576
The main reason I think people come off as being rude is due to typing. When you talk you use differnt tones and expressions so things don't seem rude. However, when you type things, it can sound rude to the person reading it, but not the one who wrote it. I know there are a lot of things I type that when I read it later on sounds like I was being rude. So, when you think someone is being hateful or rude, its probably not how they meant it.

I definitely agree with this statement. It is very difficult to understand someone's tone just by reading the comment. Smilies can help, but still don't always keep a comment from being taken the wrong way.
I think another problem too is that some of the questions asked are 'emergency' questions. Once the person has decided the asked the question it is the most important problem they have at the time and being focused on that problem they may not see the humor in someone's response and instead take it as an insult.
Of course, having said that I have to admit too that I have seen some trends with a handful of posters to come off as insulting whether they mean to or not. Then add to that the huge flame wars that seem to start when someone mentions doing something that doesn't conform to the currently accepted standards, like cycling wish fish for example. There is a huge difference between constructively giving your opinion and flaming and condemning the poster for their action.
Whether right or wrong, there is one thing I have learned from my many years in FW and the past several months researching and finally starting in SW. There is no perfect technique and no matter how strongly you feel about the way you do things that doesn't mean that someone else technique can't be just as effective at providing a healthy environment for their SW pets.

nm reef

Active Member
Without knowing specifics of the "insults" it is very difficult to comment.
I've been here for several years and I must agree it does happen. We try to monitor these forums to prevent such activities but sadly it will happen.
The best suggestion I can make is to keep a open mind and accept the fact that there are and always will be some members that give a very negative appearence....but at the same time there are numerous members that will try to respond in a very positive manner. When coming to these forums with questions it may be best to disregard the rubbish and rude responses and try to focus on the much more positive results to your questions.
Also....if you feel a member here has been out of line let us know...we do try to maintain a friendly site but at times it can be very difficult to say the least.....and if I'm ever rude to you or any other member just shoot me please......


Active Member
Your tone is offensive. Stop insulting me or I will ask my Pistol shrimp to shoot you with his super soaker. :hilarious