Insurance on your tanks?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Madison
Actually that's why I am in a 300g now
...the guy was pretty shook up about the whole thing too....he applied $4.5k towards the new setup and he also stored all the corals and fish and LR's for me till the 300g was done cycling.
He is such a sweetie!
Good deal!

You know that is one LFS that values your business. Ya better stay loyal to that store!
I'm upgrading again and I should be so lucky to have a misfortune like that. On second thought I take that back. I don't want 220 gallons of water on my floor by wishing bad misfortune on my LFS.
Denise M.


You know that is one LFS that values your business. Ya better stay loyal to that store!
...he's one in a million....but come to think about it....he has already made that money from me in the past few that my NEW tank is 2x's as large as the old...doesn't that mean 2x's as much of money that I need to spend?
It's kinda like what Chris Rock said...they get you on the come back! :cheer: