Interest in GBTA?


Active Member
Wondering about the interest out there for my GBTA. I think it's time it got a home with some better lighting. interested in zoos, mushrooms, etc that will do well under PC lighting.



Active Member
would be interested in mushrooms, but i already have some orange zoos.
i also have neon green, and standard green zoos.
i seriously want this guy to go to a home that's a tad mature with some really nice lighting. If someone has pc's, i'll keep him because that's what i have. (not directed at anyone btw)


New Member
How big is this guy? I have a nano cube that has been operational for a year and a half. I have a green frogspawn that has gotten to big for the tank. I could frag it out but I would rather just get something else. Let me know what you think.


New Member
holy smokes thats a big boy. Its definatly beautiful. I think it would take up to much room in the nano. Hope you find him a good home. I would love to have him.


New Member
if he splits let me know. My frogspawn has split 5 times in the last year. Could be fragged but looks awesome when they are all open.


Originally Posted by renogaw
Wondering about the interest out there for my GBTA. I think it's time it got a home with some better lighting. interested in zoos, mushrooms, etc that will do well under PC lighting.

I have several types of shrooms and I have 800 watts of metal halide on my tank. I am in North Carolina. If you are interested in a trade let me know and I will send you some pics of my shrooms. Email me at


Originally Posted by gibby84
I have several types of shrooms and I have 800 watts of metal halide on my tank. I am in North Carolina. If you are interested in a trade let me know and I will send you some pics of my shrooms. Email me at
I also have several types of zoo's and some nice star polyps if you are interested. Let me know.


Active Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
i also have asst zoos and mushrooms. fire and ice pink 1's ect. let me know
hit me up with an email :) mjwag1975 @
Just so everyone knows, seannmelly has first dibs on it. months ago when it first split they showed interest in the split but it was too small. I wasn't sure if they were still interested.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gibby84
I have several types of shrooms and I have 800 watts of metal halide on my tank. I am in North Carolina. If you are interested in a trade let me know and I will send you some pics of my shrooms. Email me at
you've got mail.