Interested in some Shrooms?


Hello everyone my name is Melisa,I was interested in some Shrooms if anyone has any that they would be willing to sell me :thinking: I will even pay shipping charges would you let me know I have been looking at Corals for awhile now and I'm very interested in buying some I like the glowing shrooms :joy: .Thanks alot.[/SIZE]


Maybe I have my corals all mixed up lol I seen a picture of your and they are very pretty I think the ones I'm talking about that I like are called bubble tips?Do you have any of them I'm sooo sorry like I said I'm still new at this.


Active Member
bubble tips? are you talking about bubble tip anemones?
find a pic on the internet of what you are talking about, and post it here.


Yes that is what I'm talking about (Ifeel so stupid lol)I just went to looked at a picture that is what I'm wanting.


Active Member
i would advise against getting one, unless you are highly exp. in this hobby. they are tought to keep alive and they don't live very long in an aquarium. do your research.


Active Member
Please note that this board supports TRADING of corals only. Please do not request to purchase or sell corals out of respect to the owner and operator of this board. Thanks!