Interesting fish


New Member
I was hoping for some suggestions on an interesting fish for my tank. The only fish that seems to fit the bill has been a Niger Trigger. I would like something with a ton of personality, and brilliant color. This fish would have to be under 6" or so. Any suggestions to bring my tank to life? I am looking for a "pet" in my tank.


Active Member
It's a 44 hex, so no large fish like triggers, tangs, large angels, puffers, etc..
Are you looking to house only one fish? Might get kind of boring after awhile, and any 6 inch fish is going to have trouble finding enough room in a hex tank. A small group of colorful community fish would really be of interest.


Try some seahorses, or small schooling fish... :happyfish


New Member
Might get a jawfish. Was thinking about 5 or 6 fish total. I could use one "oddball"


Colorful fish...get a fairy wrasse of some type..I think they are the most colorful, as well as one of the most active fish you will find IMO


Active Member
Definitely no seahorses with other fish. A good system for seahorses ONLY, but they require special care before you consider buying them. They are definitely not suitable for keeping with most other reef fish.
I also think 5 or 6 fish is definitely pushing it in that size tank.
What fish do you have? What are your chems? How much LR do you have? The hex tanks can have issues with water quality (esp things like pH) and also don't have a lot of room for territorial fish (and many saltwater fish are)...