I've only had experience with one Coral Banded Shrimp and although I liked him and thought he was pretty cool to look at, he was aggressive and kept my realitively peaceful tank mates always "on the lookout" and hiding. I found my bangaii cardinal one morning without fins and still alive and that was the last straw. I decided he was just too aggressive for my reef tank and back to the fish store he went!
The skunk shrimp are always out and active. Always. For some reason they think they are the mascot of this dumb Condy anemone that I have and are always with it, no matter where it moves to. The peppermint and blood shrimp are both neat shrimp, they just are hardly ever out in the open unless they skitter out for a bit of food and skitter back.
My second favorite invert is my orange linkia star. I got him from this site about 6 months back and he was healthy but small. He is constantly moving all over the tank and climbing all over the rocks and has grown quite a lot. Of course I do not recommend a star for every one or every tank. My 90 gallon with approx 100lb of LR seems to be a good home for him.
My newest addition fish-wise is soon becoming a favorite too, a mandarin! I waited and waited until I thought I had a good population of pods both in my tank and in my fuge.Then I (nervously) purchased one. Wow, what a cool fish. He took some brine shrimp shortly after I put him in the tank but that's the last time I've seen him take frozen food. He just swims all over picking at the rockwork and sand. After checking out the pod population at night with a flashlight, I was amazed at how many of those things are crawling all over my tank! I stopped taking them out of the fuge and putting them in the main tank, I think I have more than enough! Very cool fish!