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From The Freeman:
No Marxist He
If we don’t get the analysis right, we won’t get the response right. Despite what some popular right-wing talk-show hosts claim, Obama is not pushing Marxism, revolutionary or otherwise. The threat is not from socialism in the sense of State ownership of the means of production, much less a proletarian uprising. Rather, he’s pushing good old American progressive-corporate elitism, or corporatism. (Some would simply call it capitalism.) It is anti-free market, but not anti-business.
By that I mean business people, especially those who run big well-connected incumbent firms, love this sort of thing. Why take chances and risk market share in the unpredictable free market when I can get government to keep things orderly? (Translation: tame the competitive process.) Laissez faire is so unrefined. Would the bankers want it? Better yet, let’s have government buy — or require/encourage others to buy — my products. Remember that in Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand warned of the approaching corporate-state alliance.
No Marxist He
If we don’t get the analysis right, we won’t get the response right. Despite what some popular right-wing talk-show hosts claim, Obama is not pushing Marxism, revolutionary or otherwise. The threat is not from socialism in the sense of State ownership of the means of production, much less a proletarian uprising. Rather, he’s pushing good old American progressive-corporate elitism, or corporatism. (Some would simply call it capitalism.) It is anti-free market, but not anti-business.
By that I mean business people, especially those who run big well-connected incumbent firms, love this sort of thing. Why take chances and risk market share in the unpredictable free market when I can get government to keep things orderly? (Translation: tame the competitive process.) Laissez faire is so unrefined. Would the bankers want it? Better yet, let’s have government buy — or require/encourage others to buy — my products. Remember that in Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand warned of the approaching corporate-state alliance.