internal bleeding


I have a large zebra moray eel that has internal bleeding. I just noticed it today, but he appeared to be very stressed for a few weeks now.
For background, I have 3 fluval 404's as filtration with my tank. They each contain poly wool, carbon, and bio media. In addition, I have 2 protein skimmers and about 25-30 lbs of live rock in the tank. The eel lives in a live rock cave which is very dark and he gets fed shrimp 3 times a week.
If you know what may be causing the bleeding, or the eel to be stressed, please let me know. Thanks again in advance for all of the help.


You'll need to post more info. How do you know there's internal bleeding? Is he bloated? Does he have change in coloration? Post a pic if you can.


Thanks for the responses. I know that he has bleeding because in the white striped areas of his body, you can see red patches on him that closely resembles blood.
I don't have a digital camera because it is broken (my dog chewed on it and now it doesn't work). However, the water parameters is fine, but there is a small trace of nitrites in the tank. His tank mates include 2 bamboos, and a california stingray.
When I feed him, he doesn't eat anymore, and he is breathing quite heavily.
I hope that this help, and there could be an answer soon because I want my little guy well again.


Staff member
That sounds like a bacterial infection. Redness is a common symptom of bacterial infection.
Sorry for your loss of the fish.