into the 4th week what's this????


New Member
I'm into the 4th week and damsels and clowns still alive . And what is this green bean looking stuff??? I have a green bean with 3 things coming off one of my LR???Will it hurt any thing ?? the fish just swim by not paying it no mind also thee are these tiny feather looking daisy things but when my clown went by it went back into the rock what is this does anyone know??? If I have to get rid of anything please let me know and how so these things don't spread if they are no good. Thanks :eek:
Nanc-All those things you metnioned are a good sign of a healthy tank. I'm not sure about the green bean looking thing? Better description? Sometimes there's small little plants that grow from live rock. Maybe some type of polyp coral too. Not sure though, maybe you can better describe it. Those "Feather looking daisy things"....those are good. No worries my friend.


New Member
well these green things are about 1" long one is real bright emerald green and the other two are incased with almost clear white cassing about the size of a pencil around and are rounded on the tip they resemble a tube . I just didn't know if this was good or not and my tank is 80gal so I have a little room for these things HAHAHA. I want to start a reef tank . All thats in it so far is 4 fish and about 58 pounds LR. I want to add more as soon as I know its safe. thanks for such a fast reply. Later ;)


id get more liveroc in now before your tank gets established. adding LR, even cured, will more than likely cause a slight re-cycle.


Suggest using 1 - 1-1/2 lbs LR per gallon. You'd need approximately 62 lbs added to reach 1-1/2 lb average per gallon. Daisy looking items are tube worms, good sign. Adding cured LR shouldn't give you much of a spike if any. I added cured LR after my tank cycled and didn't show any spike. But this was hand picked from LFS that had it for at least two weeks before I bought it.