Intorcuding Domink...


Active Member
Came home, from work, today and guess what greeted me at the door? lol
Last week, Heather gave away both of our ferrets, to a neighbor. Evidentally, this lady and her husband have wanted to buy their daughter a ferret forever, but just haven't been able to afford it. They saw Heather cleaning out the cage, in the backyard, came over and the little girl was in love with them. The lady was almost in tears, when Heather was like..."Ya know what?...take 'em both, cage, vitamins, a months worth of food, etc...for free". I really didn't care, cause I was tired of them. They're too much trouble, for my taste.
Anyway, the lady and her husband breed Pits. They had this little guy...14 weeks old, pure bred, champion bloodline, dark Brindle. The lady was so grateful to Heather, that she gave Dominik (we renamed him...his name was Prince...super ghey!) to Heather, for free.
He's a sweetheart...although I'm ready to skin him alive, because he doesn't know it's not ok to get on dads $7000 leather couch. So, we're gonna see how it goes. We've only had him for maybe 6 hours and he already knows sit and speak...without any prior training.
So, here he is...the little bastage! He's got some monster paws, for his age. He's gonna be a big boy. The only thing I'm not happy about is that he's now too old to have his tail docked...although, if I want to pay for surgery (anestesia (sp?) included, I can get it a considerable price). I can and probably will still get his ears clipped.



Active Member
dude... youre gonna have to get a kennel license to house all your pets!!! and start charging admission to pay for their meals!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
dude... youre gonna have to get a kennel license to house all your pets!!! and start charging admission to pay for their meals!!!
You're telling me!!!!
I already go thru aprox. $100 a week, just feeding the damned snakes...and what's even better, we just bought two more. lol
I've always wanted a Pit and told Heather, that when my Lab is gone, I wanted either a Pit of a Dobie (after a while, of course). So, I wasn't too upset when I came home and found Dominik today. I'm seriously thinking of sending him away to Heathers step dad, who's a retired K-9 officer. He still breeds and trains Malinois and German Shepards, for bomb dogs and attack dogs. I'm good with sit, lay down, stay, speak, shake, blahbity blah blah...
We got rid of the ferrets, so we're not so loaded with pets.
Right now, we have 9 snakes (albeit, most of those will/or are over 10' long), 3 dogs, a Raccoon and my 90gal fish tank.


Active Member
Why do you need someone else to train your dog.If you ask me your asking for trouble if you have someone teach him aggressive trates like a police dog.

nacl freak

Congrats! He's got that "I want to please you" written all over him. They are a stubborn breed you'll have to be firm and not back down. I like his new name it fits him.


Active Member
I want to feel the $7000 couch! I hope its reeeeal soft. If he wrecks the couch, feed him to the eel!
Nice looking pup.


Active Member
I support your decision to get his ears cropped... I think people play up that issue way too much. We do it to little boys across the country daily yet people get upset when you crop ears and tails.


Active Member
my boys arent, but my puppy is. We just got our dobie done 3 weeks ago. They healed in a week and she never cried as if in pain. She was fine.