I have made 4 sumps out of acrylic now and each one has been designed different. I have made them all for local people and so far things have worked out great. Is there a demand here online for people that would want a sump made to their specs? I love making these things and wouldnt mind doing it as kind of a side job for some extra cash, I found a local acrylic shop that cuts them to exact specs and has it all ready withing 3 hours so my turn around is quick. I use weld on 3 to glue and weld on 16 to seal, flame polish all exterior edges and use which ever thickness is prefered by you. So lets hear it, who would be interested in having one made? Cost of materials for say a 30"long by 16"high, by 13"deep would run about $90 plus around 4 hours of my time to make it. Thats just a generalization