Introducing my finding nemo pair!


Active Member
Hi Guys!
Before you ask, no didnt fall on the bandwagon! I know you wont believe me, but I only made the finding nemo connection a few days after I bought the hippo tang!!
He is extremely sociable, only seems to go behind rocks at night, throughout the day sticks by his clown buddy's side! He's a little bit fed up with me trying to get him to eat nori, as he far prefers brine, but we're working on it!
I've had the clown for almost a year now, and the tangspent 10 days in the QT so should be A-OK :)


Active Member
and another :) Yes that is aiptasia on the rock in the picture above, still cant decide whether to nuke with kalkwasser on see if my LFS has a couple more peppermints....

nm reef

Active Member
Hey Tim....very nice lookin' fish!!
I've had a percula in my fish only for over 2 years now...did have a happy pair but the female went carpet surfin' one too many times!
Plus I added a 2"-3" hippo about 6 months ago to my reef...hes about 4" now and has developed into a great addition. Eventually he'll need more room...but that will be addressed in time.
I just saw the pic attached below was taken last I've had him for about a of luck with yours!


Active Member
Ive seen some absolutely fantastic specimins of hippo tangs on here, yours being one of them, and thats what inspired me to get one! They can be really fantastic looking fish with great behaviour!

nm reef

Active Member
Yup...I agree.
They can be problematic...and do get rather large...but they are stunning fish in my opinion. Mine has done well but I carefully considered all the potential problems and took my time before attempting one.I would in no way encourage any body to attempt a hippo in a system as small as mine unless they are certain they understand the potential risks involved!:cool:

nm reef

Active Member
For one they need a well established system that is mature and can provide plenty of algaes to munch...they none stop search for tasty morsals. Second they tend to be troublesome in regard to parasites so you need to avoid stress and insure a good diet. They are often refered to as "ick magnets" for good reason.Third they do grow to a rather large size and in time will require a system much larger than my 55 display.
There likely are numerous other considerations...but that pretty much covers the basics...:cool:


Active Member
Hi Guys,
loco - I am using T5 lights, 2 actinics and 2 whites.
Yes I was aware of the risks, but as my understanding goes, they are a little less prone than the Powder Blue Tang.
Yup, they can be absolutely gorgeous :)