introducing myself


New Member
Hello everyone, just introducing myself in a few places on the message boards.
I am new to the hobby(been in for about a year now) I have a 90 and a 55 I am setting up. hope to talk to you all soon.


Active Member
You'll find endless info on everything here and a great group of people. Good luck! :)


Active Member
Welcome, welcome :jumping:
You'll be amazed at the amount of information you get from this site!! Have fun!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Greetings!! Hope you enjoy the site. Feel free to ask anyone anything on here. There is A LOT of knowledge on this site.


New Member
That was a very warm welcome, thank you all so much......and now for my first question.... is the sand in the surf at the beach the same as what we can buy? or does anyone know for sure? :confused:


First of all welcome to the board! This is a great site to keep learning. As for your question....I believe it is the same although I would think it would be more polluted. The ls you buy is supposedly collected in waters farther out. I am not an expert and in fact still learning, but I would think that sand from the beach would contain far more pollutants than the ls you buy. I could be wrong but its only my opinion. I'm sure someone here can help you with a better answer. Wish I could have been more help..........sorry. :notsure:


Active Member
Well you have to imagine sand right there can have anything in it oil or gas from life guards vehichles it will most likely have any kinda drink that ppl have dumped out from that guy who snuck some beer down to flavord water. And its just about guaranteed to have urine from kids peeing on the beach or in the water and its probly gonna have sunscreen in it to. If you wanna try it go ahead but as for me to many possibles to mess with it lol.
Were in Alabama are you from? I went there a few years back to Gulf Shores.


Active Member
Hey PrncAlbrt,
Are you from LA? I saw you were talking about getting surf sand.
(BTW for everyone not from the south--that is Lower Alabama NOT Los Angeles)
THere have been a lot of questions about surf sand and the answers are like those above. If you have the means to go out a ways to collect the legal limit that would be much cleaner. (I think I saw on a thread where a guy from Hawaii could get like 5 gallons of sand a day, but check local restrictions.)
Anyway, WELCOME!!