Invasion of the amphipods help.


What can I do to keep the from eating my zoo's . I have a sixline & a fairy wrasser ? They seem to enjoy eating my larger ones .:help:


Zoo eating pods?
Can you get a pic or describe the amphipods that are eating your zoo's?
Have you ruled out water quality and chemistry?
Other preditors like starfish, an urchin, your fish depending on what kind you have?
8356 tie


Their the brown curled up shrimp looking one .
ph 8.2
cal 460
carb hard 13
nirtates 10
nitrites 0
amo 0
have vho's and 2 10k mh
It it hard to take pic have tried it is not very good can't tell what your looking at .They come out after the lights go out and they only seem to eat certain ones.


yes been watching for a week and they are eating them .I know they are not supose to but they are . I wish I had a really good camera to zoom in on them .


Active Member
I am sure they would be hanging out in stuff like that, but I am not sure how you could tell for sure they were eating them. They aren't large...and just being there doesn't mean they are doing it. But most as I know it are detritovores...good if things are dying for whatever reason - yeah, they'll be right there too taking advantage of that (clean up), but if they are the cause well that it more the question.
Maybe BangGuy, with his vast crustacean knowledge, will jump in :yes:


i am having the same problems, these pods are attacking my zoos and my gsp. i dont know what to do. i have done a freshwater dip and still they keep coming back.

rabid frog

Active Member
I too had a bunch of Pods literally eat about 8-10 polyps of my green people eaters. What I did to solve the problem was I got a 8 line wrasse. They are no longer a problem.
I think the problems many of us are running into is once that the reef tank gets established and the pods have no predators due to the fact of not keeping Manderins, Scooters, etc. in a immature reef. But the Pods do not need a mature reef to grow in and become a pest. Once the pods get so big and we finally decide that our reefs are mature enough to keep some of our Pod eating friends it is too late. Some of the Pods are soo big that the Gobies and Dragonettes cannot eat them. Thus they keep growing larger until you put something in there to control them.
This is not the first post about these there are other posts on other sites about the same problems.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ghola5
send me ur pods for my goby , I cant seem to get enough for him :)
You can purchase pods from SWF. This is an old thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i wish threads autolocked after a year. LOL
Yeah but I wish the pictures were still available.


Active Member
The "zoo eating pods" this guy was talking about probably had a zoanthid eating spider infestation. I have heard they are worse than the nudibranches.

rabid frog

Active Member
I know for a fact mine were not spiders. They were Pods , since the introduction of my 8 line I have not lost 1 polyp.


Originally Posted by rabid frog
I know for a fact mine were not spiders. They were Pods , since the introduction of my 8 line I have not lost 1 polyp.
I wish I could see a picture of this pod eating zoo creature. I am trying to get pods to populate my tank for my mandarin. I do see the big ones every now and then. But, I don't want them to eat my corals either. I won't get a six line wrasse because he would dart at the eggs my clownfish lay every week or so. Reason why I got rid of my strawberry basslet.

rabid frog

Active Member
They were just normal pods that got too big. I had my reef set up for about a year and a half with a 30 gallon fuge before I put a fish in it. So these pods got to monsterous sizes. The first fish I put in was a Target Mandarin but some of the pods had gotten too big for him to eat.
I dont have a 6 line, but I do have a 8 line. He is by far one of my favorite fish. Granted I still think you would have a problem with the 8 line eating your clowns eggs. But my 8 line is a great little fish. He is kind of the coyote of the tank. He eats the little searpant stars that hide out in the rocks and the sand, keeps their population in check. He eats the pods that my Mandarin cannot but my Mandarin still has plenty to eat. He also eats what ever food I am feeding for the day.