Inverbrates Etc


I want to ask 2 questions first off can I add all my Inverbrates that Im gonna use for my cleaners all at the same time? I figured I will get around 20 to 25 cleaners... My 125g has finished cycling(FINALLY) Also is the protein skimmer called Queen Tubo Skimmer any good? Thanks alot Is 20 to 25 cleaners enough to get or maybe too many? Im not really sure about how many I should have.


Active Member
are they all snails, or a mixture of crabs, snails, and shrimp, and no you do not have to many and invertabrates take a couple of hours to acclimate don't rush it


Active Member
i guess you could add them all at the same time, but i added mine slowly. i started off with a few turbo snails. then added 2 conches a sally light foot crab, 3 emeralds, 3 scarlet hermits. then a cleaner shrimp, mexican turbos, and zebra hermits. then i added nassarius snails.
fyi, ive got about 30-35 cleaners in my 30 gallon, but i also spot feed the hermits and shrimp. and i have a serpent star, decorator crab, pistol shrimp, and purple lobster who scavenge around the tank. and i spot feed them as well.


Active Member
i personally would add the snails 1st give them a chance to get onto the glass then the shrimp then the crabs jmo tobin


i have a 180 now, but i not too long ago had a 135 and i had well over 60 blue leg hermit crabs, a few turbo snails, a couple cowrie's, 9 camel shrimp, 4 cleaner shrimp, 1 peppermint shrimp, 1 blood shrimp, 1 coral banded shrimp, 1 purple lobster(the only get about 4 inches), and not to mention i had quite a few hitchhiker crabs that were peaceful. just to give you an idea. by the way hopefully you won't fall into the trap of getting an urchin(sorry for those of you who do now).