invert clash?


Active Member
can i have 7 peppermint shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp, 100 blue leg hermits, 350 very small naussi snails, 7 emrald crabs and 2 sally lightfoot. will they all get along
i hope so caus ei have half of them in my tank now and the other half are paid for and will be here thursday morning?
thanks for the help!


Active Member
Sure! I just hope you have a heck of a filtetration system to take care of of the food you'll have to feed them to keep them from eating each other.


Active Member
well the snails and clener shrimp are in their now all doing excellent and i have a super clean tank except for the hair and bubble algae along with aptasia starting to grow, there comes in the blue leg hermits, emerald crabs, pepp. shrimp and sally lightfoot crabs! i figure my tank should be real clean soon!
i dont have any fish that will eat them, but they wont eat my fish will they? i have some small gobies! if so who would?


this must be your reef tank?...i am converting my FO 180 to a reef tank and im doing alot of research, sorry for jackin the thread, but i am hopeing you can answer..for starters, what is aptasia, and how does this and bubble algae grow? Are the crabs the only thing that will get rid of it?


Active Member
what size tank do u have psucor??
man in my 180 i only have about 7 nassarius snails and about 15 hermits thats about it and my tanks clean no algeas or anything.....
to me thats a lil overkill id say about half will die in a month or 2 theres just not enough food for them to eat unless u have like a 500g tank or more with about 500lbs of LR


Active Member
oh really?
well i can always put half of everythign in my fuge,, it could use some cleaning anyway! this is in my 75 gallon reef tank
the snails arent what i said they were their actually Ilyanassa obsoleta which are very small and stay very small.. they reccomend 4-6 prer gallon which i have covered and they are all doing very good and my tank went from alge crazy to spotless cause of them!!
anyway how many peppermint shrimp, blue leg hermits( their small ) emerald crabs etc. should i put in my tank??
i got soo many because some pepp. shrimps wont eat aptaisia along with the emerald crabs eating bubble alge so i figured if i ordered a whole slew of them one of them has to eat right my aptasia and bubble algae? :notsure:

any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!

reef bug

I have peppermints, blue legs, snails...none of them bother my fish or corals at all. Dont know about the emerald and lightfoot, but I donthtink they will hurt anyhting. In my 120, I have 5 those guys, about 125 snails, and 50 crabs. I dont reallythink I could accomodate any more.
Two things you may want to consider...
1. If these snails are like the nassarius, mine live under the sand all day and come up during feeding or for a little cruise at night. Will you have enough sand space for 350 under your sand? They are small, but I know when I add new ones, they like space and move away from each other. They dont want to be near one another unless its mating time. Yikes! Wait until mating time. My kids said Mom, why are all the snails on side of the tank? I told them they were having a party! Mine have got to be the horniest snails alive. Eggs everywhere!!! I would hate to see the mess 350 would make! I dont htink I would want more than 80 in my 120 gal. tank.
2. Also, I'm not sure these guys do your rock and glass? I would be concerned about having so many of one breed. I have lke 80 nassarius, 20 turbos, and 25 ceriths, all with different cleaning assignments. Personally, I think it would be better to have different types in there to make sure all jobs are getting done.
Maybe Bill will trade you some of these for some other varieties??? Also, MJ might buy a handful from you. She could use a few more.
Good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by aquatics24
this must be your reef tank?...i am converting my FO 180 to a reef tank and im doing alot of research, sorry for jackin the thread, but i am hopeing you can answer..for starters, what is aptasia, and how does this and bubble algae grow? Are the crabs the only thing that will get rid of it?
Aptasia is a pesky anemone that usually arrives in your tank courtesy of your live rock. I reffer to it as a dandelion. Cause it spreds quickly like the dandelion, and is as hard to get rid of as a dandelion. It is a agrressive little cuss, and will stress any near by coral to make room for themselves.
Joe's Juice is the best way i have found to get rid of them. You can find it in most salt water shops.
I wish you could sell them, cause I got some whoppers in my tank that could easily go for 50 dollars a pop.


Active Member
Keep them pepps shrimp well fed. cause they will go after corals if tehy need food. That would not be good.


reef bug.. when you say bill are you referring to petzone? and psusoccer if you bought all that i would be intrestead in buying some of it off you if you dont want it..